Getting Xbox 360 Update Error.. Please Help…

November 12th, 2013

I have not run my xbox 360 from more then 6 months but yesterday i tried it.. everything was working perfect but when i run the update it. it takes more then 30 mins and on Applying Update it give me a Error:
Update Error Status: 3151-3524-1380-2203-C000-0001
i tried it many times .. and got same error and i tried the Downloading update and started it from USB flash drive got same error..
Please let me know .. what to do …ASAP..

Answer #1
is your xbox flashed by anychance? if so u need to flash bk to stock to update, certain f/w for drives caused the xbox to freeze on update. Maybe that will fix your problem.
Answer #2
Have you tried clearing your cache and then trying again?
Answer #3
how to clean cache? i have onto modified it …
Answer #4
Yes.. i found it and did.. it but still same error.. i think my xbox 360 has hacked firmware… when i try to login in XBox live it says.. Update your console or it will sign out you from xbox live.. what to do here??? how to access xbox live now without updating it?
Answer #5
u have to update to connect to live.
Ur f/w on the drive is stopping the update, u need to flash bk to stock, connect to live and update then reflash to continue playing coped games.


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