Free vpn

August 17th, 2013

hi i need some free vpn for browseing in my country site like gamespot is filter and i dont know what to do i have tor and its not bad but it only work on firefox and i know firefox is good but i hate it tooo much i reed some topic and a person was write some page about but i cant config it soo it was useless to me can any one help me my internet connection is soo low and tor make it lower plz help
Answer #1
Better hurry before their full:
Answer #2
SmAsHeDr replied: Better hurry before their full:

Answer #3
i sign up for this site but i cant make it work i cant config it
Answer #4
orod replied: i sign up for this site but i cant make it work i cant config it
Of course you can’t, you didn’t read detailed instructions =(
Download OpenVPN, and the configuration files. Its VERY easy..!
Answer #5
i red it i copy the file in config folder i copy the user name and password in realvpn.auth and i use all the servers but it not connecting sooo what are suggesting now plz help
Answer #6
udp-1194, works for me on US, FR, UK, and DE, connects and gives me internet access with a new IP.
Answer #7
They are all working for me at the moment via OpenVPN
@orod – if you had asked for help in your original thread at the time, then people would have helped you with the configuration.
Ok – here’s the steps.
Download and install the version of OpenVPN that was linked in your sign-up e-mail.
Go to the real-vpn website and download the configuration files for each Country that you want to use,
eg French Server
Extract the files from the zip and copy them into the Config directory in the programs installation
C > Program Files > OpenVPN > config
Do that for each server, you will overwrite one or two files, but don’t worry about that.
Next, open the realvpn.AUTH file in the config directory with Notepad.
Using the supplied details for your account with Real-VPN edit the file so it looks like this…


Save the file.
Run Open VPN, right click the icon and choose which server to connect to.
The site is in beta which means they are still having issues at times, if you cannot connect, try using the UDP rather than TCP. Or check their Facebook page for updates.
That is using OpenVPN.
You can also connect via PPTP, which is a bit less secure for you.
Windows instructions:
1. Go to Start Menu, Settings, Control Panel, click Network Connection.
A window opens, click Next.
2. Click the “Connection to the corporate network.”
3. Choose “Virtual Private Network connection”.
4. Type in the “RealVPN USA1” or “RealVPN NL2” etc
6. Type in the box above the chosen server.
7. Click “Finish”.
8. Enter your login and password. Then click “Login”.

Your login: whateveryourusernameis
Your password: realvpnXXmlidX
If you still have problems, just ask for help
Answer #8
@gilly. THanks man, even for me, this worked.
Thanks again
Very helpful
Answer #9
bubbakind replied: @gilly. THanks man, even for me, this worked.
Thanks again
Very helpful

you’re welcome
Answer #10
gilly replied: They are all working for me at the moment via OpenVPN
@orod - if you had asked for help in your original thread at the time, then people would have helped you with the configuration.
Ok - here's the steps.
Download and install the version of OpenVPN that was linked in your sign-up e-mail.
Go to the real-vpn website and download the configuration files for each Country that you want to use,
eg French Server
Extract the files from the zip and copy them into the Config directory in the programs installation
C > Program Files > OpenVPN > config
Do that for each server, you will overwrite one or two files, but don't worry about that.
Next, open the realvpn.AUTH file in the config directory with Notepad.
Using the supplied details for your account with Real-VPN edit the file so it looks like this...


Save the file.
Run Open VPN, right click the icon and choose which server to connect to.
The site is in beta which means they are still having issues at times, if you cannot connect, try using the UDP rather than TCP. Or check their Facebook page for updates.
That is using OpenVPN.
You can also connect via PPTP, which is a bit less secure for you.
Windows instructions:
1. Go to Start Menu, Settings, Control Panel, click Network Connection.
A window opens, click Next.
2. Click the "Connection to the corporate network."
3. Choose "Virtual Private Network connection".
4. Type in the "RealVPN USA1" or "RealVPN NL2" etc
6. Type in the box above the chosen server.
7. Click "Finish".
8. Enter your login and password. Then click "Login".

Your login: whateveryourusernameis
Your password: realvpnXXmlidX
If you still have problems, just ask for help

tanx for everything but still not working for me i do exatly as you say even i try all the pptp but nothing is there another free vpn that i can use like i write in my country even gamespot and ign is filter i really need a vpn for just surfing
Answer #11
It’s quite possible that the block is on the DNS level only,Try connecting to the IP’s instead of the hostnames:

Answer #12
What version of Windows are you using ?
Can you post the log of what happens when you try to connect to one of the servers using OpenVPN (please edit out your IP address)
Try what Roberto has suggested.
Also, what firewall are you using ?
Answer #13
7 windows firewall and it freez on conneting step and nothing thats it i can reconnect or disconnect but nothing else
Answer #14
Not following,Are you saying that you managed to connect or that it hangs while connecting? And if so at what stage,What does it say?
Have you tried what I suggested?^
Answer #15
Sat Oct 08 20:48:21 2011 OpenVPN 2.2.1 Win32-MSVC++ [SSL] [LZO2] built on Jul 1 2011
Sat Oct 08 20:48:21 2011 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See for more info.
Sat Oct 08 20:48:21 2011 NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires ‘–script-security 2’ or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
Sat Oct 08 20:48:22 2011 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1543 D:140 EF:40 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Sat Oct 08 20:48:22 2011 Socket Buffers: R=[8192->8192] S=[8192->8192]
Sat Oct 08 20:48:22 2011 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1543 D:1450 EF:43 EB:4 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Sat Oct 08 20:48:22 2011 Local Options hash (VER=V4): ‘db02a8f8’
Sat Oct 08 20:48:22 2011 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4): ‘7e068xsx’
Sat Oct 08 20:48:22 2011 Attempting to establish TCP connection with
Sat Oct 08 20:48:22 2011 TCP connection established with
Sat Oct 08 20:48:22 2011 TCPv4_CLIENT link local: [undef]
Sat Oct 08 20:48:22 2011 TCPv4_CLIENT link remote:
it is in coonecting stage but it not connect it is still filter
Answer #16
orod replied: hi i need some free vpn for browseing in my country site like gamespot is filter and i dont know what to do i have tor and its not bad but it only work on firefox and i know firefox is good but i hate it tooo much i reed some topic and a person was write some page about but i cant config it soo it was useless to me can any one help me my internet connection is soo low and tor make it lower plz help
Tor can be used in any application. Put firefox in minimize mode, then open Internet Explorer, then Tools-> Internet Options. Now in Connections, click Settings, check Use a proxy server….. option, then press Advanced, type : 9050 in Socks. It will work for Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. Use for Opera or your default Firefox browser. Make sure to keep tor’s firefox open/minimized.
Answer #17
And it remains like that even after 2 mins? There could be a slight delay sometimes.
Have you tried connecting to another server? Also,How connecting via PPTP using the IP?
Answer #18
and after that this
Sat Oct 08 20:52:49 2011 Connection reset, restarting [-1]
Sat Oct 08 20:52:49 2011 TCP/UDP: Closing socket
Sat Oct 08 20:52:49 2011 SIGUSR1[soft,connection-reset] received, process restarting
Sat Oct 08 20:52:49 2011 Restart pause, 5 second(s)
Sat Oct 08 20:52:54 2011 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See for more info.
Sat Oct 08 20:52:54 2011 NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires ‘–script-security 2’ or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
Sat Oct 08 20:52:54 2011 Re-using SSL/TLS context
Answer #19
power_plus replied: orod replied: hi i need some free vpn for browseing in my country site like gamespot is filter and i dont know what to do i have tor and its not bad but it only work on firefox and i know firefox is good but i hate it tooo much i reed some topic and a person was write some page about but i cant config it soo it was useless to me can any one help me my internet connection is soo low and tor make it lower plz help
Tor can be used in any application. Put firefox in minimize mode, then open Internet Explorer, then Tools-> Internet Options. Now in Connections, click Settings, check Use a proxy server..... option, then press Advanced, type : 9050 in Socks. It will work for Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. Use for Opera or your default Firefox browser. Make sure to keep tor's firefox open/minimized.

thanx a lot it worked but still toooooooooooo slow
Answer #20
How bout answers to my other questions?
Answer #21
I’m not sure if they are still accepting free signups. I was able to grab one but this site:
Works very fast.
Answer #22
Roberto400 replied: How bout answers to my other questions?
Sorry dude my connection is very low and my typing is lower my download speed is 40kb/s soo now you know my typing
yes i try other severs and yes pptp but nothing work look like i fu..ed
Answer #23
Try connecting to the servers in OpenVPN using UDF rather than TCP.
Can you get to sites OK using a proxy server,
Answer #24
Looks like its full up at the ‘real’ place, any other suggestions?
Hotspot is soo slow…its like 20 to less than 6kbs in the last few days…sigh I used to be able to have around 100 to 150…
Answer #25
You could try try these free VPN providers:

Or use a standard proxy with your browser settings,See listing here:
Or one of the following Web-Based SSL proxies:

But if you wanna have good speeds at all times,Getting a cheap EU based VPS would be best,Then you could use SSH tunneling,OpenVPN or Squid.
Do note however that OpenVPN can only be used on an XEN based VPS,Or one that supports TUN/TAP.
Answer #26
Whoah, suddenly I have my speed back and more… *sweatdrop*
But thx for the suggestions, its good to have variety!
Answer #27
Cyberghost vpn
Answer #28
Mindofwonders replied: Looks like its full up at the 'real' place, any other suggestions?
Hotspot is soo slow...its like 20 to less than 6kbs in the last few days...sigh I used to be able to have around 100 to 150...

As soon as Real-VPN reaches it’s target – the guy simply increases it.
He’s simply tying to create a large userbase before they start charging, and also fix out some bugs
Users limit: 20034 / 50000
but hey, give it a go whilst it’s free. The figure he has bandied about in the past is about 4 Euros per month when he starts charging. Which is not bad for the limited amount of servers they have.
Answer #29
mwe12 replied: Cyberghost vpn

Yup. Cyberghost works nicely. Pretty fast for me.. almost like I’m not even using it.. and requires no browser settings adjustments.
If you want something secure and anonymous,… use a vpn that keeps no logs.. like cyberghost vpn.
A lot of other vpn’s keeps logs for a few days or more.. making it not too secure and not too anonymous.
* If your installing vpn software.. Create a System Restore Point First!
I Installed that hotspot shield and it froze on install and wouldn’t uninstall. Glad I made a restore point.
Cyberghost installed with no problems. But I still made a restore point before I did.
Tor is monitored by the ones that run the network. Making it not totally anonymous and not too secure.
It will change your ip,keep your isp from seeing what your doing, and be slow. But tor sees what your doing.
By using Tor, you can be tracked down if need be by the Tor operators. Not anonymous.
I really think the po-lice have been running the tor network now for a few years. Anyone can run a tor node.
I wouldn’t recommend using tor for anything. I rather the isp see than tor. LOL! “really though”
Answer #30
Regarding the tor. You are not totally right. If you use VPN and Tor together. You have a pretty strong protection. Since your VPN connection is encrypted, the tor guys cannot monitor you regardless.
Answer #31
Ghosttt replied: If you use VPN and Tor together. You have a pretty strong protection. Since your VPN connection is encrypted, the tor guys cannot monitor you regardless.
Who on earth would want to do that ?
@ orod – I see on Real-VPN’s facebook page that they have done some work, try connecting using OpenVPN now. I did see one person post that they had issues in the Middle East though.
Answer #32
gilly replied: They are all working for me at the moment via OpenVPN
@orod - if you had asked for help in your original thread at the time, then people would have helped you with the configuration.
Ok - here's the steps.
Download and install the version of OpenVPN that was linked in your sign-up e-mail.
Go to the real-vpn website and download the configuration files for each Country that you want to use,
eg French Server
Extract the files from the zip and copy them into the Config directory in the programs installation
C > Program Files > OpenVPN > config
Do that for each server, you will overwrite one or two files, but don't worry about that.
Next, open the realvpn.AUTH file in the config directory with Notepad.
Using the supplied details for your account with Real-VPN edit the file so it looks like this...


Save the file.
Run Open VPN, right click the icon and choose which server to connect to.
The site is in beta which means they are still having issues at times, if you cannot connect, try using the UDP rather than TCP. Or check their Facebook page for updates.
That is using OpenVPN.
You can also connect via PPTP, which is a bit less secure for you.
Windows instructions:
1. Go to Start Menu, Settings, Control Panel, click Network Connection.
A window opens, click Next.
2. Click the "Connection to the corporate network."
3. Choose "Virtual Private Network connection".
4. Type in the "RealVPN USA1" or "RealVPN NL2" etc
6. Type in the box above the chosen server.
7. Click "Finish".
8. Enter your login and password. Then click "Login".

Your login: whateveryourusernameis
Your password: realvpnXXmlidX
If you still have problems, just ask for help

doing everything that you say just keep getting connecting to real has faid
Answer #33
OpenDNS works for me as my country blocked warez-bb, some file sharing websites & …
Answer #34
Do you keep ANY logs (real-vpn)? I could not find any info on their site.
Answer #35
.:Wokie:. replied: Do you keep ANY logs (real-vpn)? I could not find any info on their site.
I have absolutely nothing to do with real-VPN
From previous posts on their Facebook page, yes, they keep a log of your IP address when you login and duration, NOT what you are doing or what you have been downloading. Most VPN’s have to do this by whatever the local law is, they generally only co-operate with alleged child-pron issues, not warez (unless particularly stated in their TOS)
*EDIT – as Real-VPN runs Real-Debrid, they don’t give a monkey’s nuts about downloading warez – otherwise they would be out of business
Answer #36
Tue Oct 11 20:24:49 2011 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: [NO_DATA] The requested name is valid but does not have an IP address.
Please help!
Answer #37
Hello :
It gives me this error :
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 OpenVPN 2.2.1 Win32-MSVC++ [SSL] [LZO2] built on Jul 1 2011
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See for more info.
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires ‘–script-security 2’ or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1541 D:138 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 Socket Buffers: R=[8192->8192] S=[8192->8192]
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1541 D:1450 EF:41 EB:4 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 Local Options hash (VER=V4): ‘3514370b’
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4): ‘239669a8’
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 UDPv4 link local: [undef]
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 UDPv4 link remote:
Thu Oct 13 06:55:01 2011 TLS: Initial packet from, sid=1d37dd42 3fbbc23f
Thu Oct 13 06:55:01 2011 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory — use the auth-nocache option to prevent this
Answer #38
Hadi_Only replied: Hello :
It gives me this error :
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 OpenVPN 2.2.1 Win32-MSVC++ [SSL] [LZO2] built on Jul 1 2011
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See for more info.
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires '--script-security 2' or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1541 D:138 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 Socket Buffers: R=[8192->8192] S=[8192->8192]
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1541 D:1450 EF:41 EB:4 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 Local Options hash (VER=V4): '3514370b'
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4): '239669a8'
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 UDPv4 link local: [undef]
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 UDPv4 link remote:
Thu Oct 13 06:55:01 2011 TLS: Initial packet from, sid=1d37dd42 3fbbc23f
Thu Oct 13 06:55:01 2011 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this

That is normal, it should carry on from there after a slight delay (maybe 3 secs)
If anybody wants support for this site – you can always e-mail them directly at
Answer #39
[quote=”gilly”]Hadi_Only replied: Hello :
It gives me this error :
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 OpenVPN 2.2.1 Win32-MSVC++ [SSL] [LZO2] built on Jul 1 2011
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See for more info.
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires '--script-security 2' or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1541 D:138 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Thu Oct 13 06:54:59 2011 Socket Buffers: R=[8192->8192] S=[8192->8192]
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1541 D:1450 EF:41 EB:4 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 Local Options hash (VER=V4): '3514370b'
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4): '239669a8'
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 UDPv4 link local: [undef]
Thu Oct 13 06:55:00 2011 UDPv4 link remote:
Thu Oct 13 06:55:01 2011 TLS: Initial packet from, sid=1d37dd42 3fbbc23f
Thu Oct 13 06:55:01 2011 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this

That is normal, it should carry on from there after a slight delay (maybe 3 secs)
If anybody wants support for this site – you can always e-mail them directly at[/quot
i get the same message and then wait but nothing happens
Answer #40
I have problems connecting there at the moment via UDP – but TCP is fine !
The PPTP are fine as well.
The site is in Beta so there are going to be snags, and it is free at the moment.
If you want 100% I suggest you pay for an established VPN solution
Answer #41
gilly replied: I have problems connecting there at the moment via UDP - but TCP is fine !
The PPTP are fine as well.
The site is in Beta so there are going to be snags, and it is free at the moment.
If you want 100% I suggest you pay for an established VPN solution

cheers will give it another try
Answer #42
Can someone help, I saved the auth file as this:

But it says Sorry, ‘Auth’ password cannot be read from a file
Answer #43
wkhan113 replied: Can someone help, I saved the auth file as this:

But it says Sorry, 'Auth' password cannot be read from a file

first is : username
second is : password
Answer #44
When I use Real VPN (PPTP), I am unable to open any website. I can enable internet by un-checking ‘Use default gateway on remote network’ in Advanced TCP/IP settings of PPTP connection. But then it doesn’t routes internet traffic from VPN. Help please!
Answer #45
xplorar replied: When I use Real VPN (PPTP), I am unable to open any website. I can enable internet by un-checking 'Use default gateway on remote network' in Advanced TCP/IP settings of PPTP connection. But then it doesn't routes internet traffic from VPN. Help please!
What happens if you connect using OpenVPN ?
It could be an issue with your router, or Real-VPN (it is in beta still)
Answer #46
the Meerkat replied: xplorar replied: When I use Real VPN (PPTP), I am unable to open any website. I can enable internet by un-checking 'Use default gateway on remote network' in Advanced TCP/IP settings of PPTP connection. But then it doesn't routes internet traffic from VPN. Help please!
What happens if you connect using OpenVPN ?
It could be an issue with your router, or Real-VPN (it is in beta still)

Its working now! Must be some temporary glitch as you confirmed!
Answer #47
Sorry to bump but it says its connected, only to have me be unable to actually use the internet! Here in Canada trying to use the US Netflix
Answer #48
WarMachine77 replied: Sorry to bump but it says its connected, only to have me be unable to actually use the internet! Here in Canada trying to use the US Netflix
How are you connecting, PPTP or Open VPN ?
If one isn’t working try the other.


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