Flight Simulator problem in Vista

August 5th, 2016

I have vista ultimate 32 bit, pentium-D-2.8Ghz and 1 Gb RAM with ATI Radeon Express 200 Graphics card. After installing Flight Simulator X, i get the following error…
Flight Simulator cannot run
because the version of Microsoft DirectX(R) installed on your computer is
incompatible. Please reinstall DirectX 9.0 by running Flight Simulator Setup,
or download the current version from www.microsoft.com/directx
But vista already has directx 10 installed. What shall i do?
Somebody please help..just fed up of vista and compatibility issues

Answer #1
1. insert disk 1 of FSX
2. go to my computer and right click on your dvd-drive icon.
3. click on “install direct 9.0”
4. click next on the setup screen
ACTUALLY THERE ARE SEVERAL COMPONENTS OF dx9 that need to be installed in order to play dx10 games!


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