Flashing 360 Elite Jasper

February 19th, 2014

So I recently took my 360 apart in hopes of flashing it (dvd didn’t want to open and I really don’t want to spend all that time fixing it or spend a lot of money on DL DVD’s) and found out that it was a Phillips drive. Every article is either from 2006 and says that it can’t be done or doesn’t provide a decent amount of information. Please don’t suggest soldering, I don’t wanna do that either.
Answer #1
You want to flash your drive but you don’t want to buy dual layers…so how do you plan to play games once the drive is flashed?
Answer #2
prozac4312 replied: You want to flash your drive but you don't want to buy dual layers...so how do you plan to play games once the drive is flashed?
I ~censored~ that up. Uh….. Hopes and dreams? In all seriousness I was hoping I could FTP or whatever the game to the 360. Only reason why I said that was because the drive wouldn’t open no matter what I did. It opens now since I literally beat the ~love~ out of it.
Answer #3
Well, your options are buying another drive or JTAGing it.
Answer #4
Eh…. I really don’t have any soldering tools. Oh well.
Answer #5
Guess you’re stuck buying a new drive then.
Answer #6
Which one would you recommend.
Answer #7
The same one that you already have.
It’s risky to spoof drives if you want to play on XBL.
Answer #8
Pacana replied: So I recently took my 360 apart in hopes of flashing it (dvd didn't want to open and I really don't want to spend all that time fixing it or spend a lot of money on DL DVD's) and found out that it was a Phillips drive. Every article is either from 2006 and says that it can't be done or doesn't provide a decent amount of information. Please don't suggest soldering, I don't wanna do that either.
http://~ Disallowed ~/dl/129074413/6f8714b/jftut1.4.4.rar.html
There has to be some expense, or you can just put the Xbox 360 away.


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