FlashGet Error

August 6th, 2016

Ok…so when I’m downloading or even just have the application open. Flashget gives me an error….please see below:
Anyone else receive this error and know how to fix it.
Your help is much appreciated!!

Answer #1
– Are you sure for you are in administrator account ?
– Check your antivirus & firewall settings, maybe they are block flashget.
– Or if you can’t solve the problem, use Internet Download Manager, it’s better than flashget.
Answer #2
Yup Im an administrator in my laptop.
I made sure that my AV did not block it.
IDM? How is it better than Flashget…Im willing to try it but need to know why it’s better.
Answer #3
It is.. You need to check it out to know why.. =P
nah, I’m kidding. There’s so many reasons haha. For one, its faster.. For me its about 200kbs faster =O It also has great browser integration, its better than FlashGets. ~Blaze
Answer #4
Trust us
it’s better than flashget
flashget everytime give errors such like that… can’t connect to server / access denied etc.
Install IDM
Answer #5
OK…will download and give it a try!
Answer #6
Call me paranoid or just plain crazy…but Im kind of skeptical about the info in the Run.reg file, which is part of the crack.
It has an e-mail address inside, should I be worried?
*UPDATE* Any help with the question above?


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