file server

August 1st, 2016

First of all a fine hello to everyone!
My desktop has a hard drive with files I’d like to be able to access over the internet, and I’d like to know if anyone knows of any programs for windows/linux that can allow me to do this, preferrably with some form of security (password, encryption, etc.). The hard drive is set up so a 15GB primary partition holds the OS, while the rest is a FAT32 partition storing the files. Because of this, I can safely switch the primary to another OS if necessary and not worry about the files. I’m thinking I should be looking for a way to set up a FTP server, but I’d like a recommendation on what program I should use. The computer in question is using Ubuntu 7.10 currently, but I can get install discs for any other linux and have installers for Win98, Win2K, or WinXP. The computer is pretty old, so Vista is out of the question, but I can’t say that’s a problem. Thanks in advance for anyone with a worthwhile answer.

Answer #1
You can use openssh(windows/linux) and putty(windows) to setup a client and server. It supports a high level security and encryption is included.
Answer #2
I use puTTY and setting up XP with FTP is real easy.


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