Facebook – Enable “like” only if the person liked the page

February 3rd, 2020

So, my friends and I are doing that photo-contest to promote a page. So, the problem is that I don’t know how to disable photo-liking for people that didn’t like the page. Which completely loses the point of the promotion (competition) since the person can just send a direct link to the photo and get likes on the photo without the visitors even knowing what page they are on.
What we want to achieve is that there is no like & comment option unless the person viewing the photo liked the page that has uploaded it. I know this was possible before, and I know people create/use Facebook applications now in order to host a photo-contest. But, I was wondering if there is a way to make the photo album non-public (limit photo like option, like mentioned before) .
So basically the scenario is this:
1) Person sends a picture for the contest
2) Same person shares a link to the picture with friends
3) Receivers sees the picture the contestant sent
4) Receiver cannot like the picture since (s)he didn’t like our page
5) (S)he likes our page and then the picture, to improve his/her friend’s odds at winning the contest
Result: We improve our page’s reach and awareness.
Is this still possible?

Answer #1
It’s not possible.


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