Email solutions

February 6th, 2020

I have a small business and send out several thousand emails each week. I am looking for an email solution, either an Application suggestion or Web Based suggestion, or anything I may not be considering.
I currently use Outlook, set up with a gmail account. But one issue I have is that I have to break the emails up into several different groupings because when I group more than 15 or 20 emails (bcc – Blind carbon Copy), it gets marked as spam, and some get returned, or bounced.
Any Suggestions greatly appreciated.
Thank you, and Happy Holidays!

Answer #1
Best to buy a group emailing package to do this. Often sending bulk emails through your IPS’s smtp servers will be blacklisted by your ISP as they might detect mass mailings as spam. The cost varies on what features you want; but basic packages are around $10/mo. For example,
You can of course setup your own smtp mail server; having said this, many of the apps are nothing more than a desktop interface for their smtp server – for which they require an additional fee to send more than X emails. Frankly I haven’t found one that is worthwhile, but maybe someone else has had better luck than I have.
True dedicated servers are a great option too – provided you know how to configure the server properly (PTR records, SPF records, DKIM/DomainKeys, Reverse DNS records). I guess the options for either using service or building your own smtp server will ultimately depend on your pocketbook.
Answer #2
easiest way I found to do it is to simply setup a php email programmer that reads in the names and addresses from a csv or txt and loops through … simple, fast and cost effective …
Answer #3
@erik: works if you have a host
Answer #4
Great Suggestions, Thank you very much.


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