Downloading in Germany

July 25th, 2016

i just arrived to Germany and the told me that here downloading music,games…etc are illegal and you get a fine about 1200euros. however i am afraid to download a game (rome 2).
anyone knows how it works here in Germany.

Answer #1
My german friends download a lot – just stick to DDL and you should be fine
Answer #2
Use a VPN, there are plenty that provide very good privacy (for example, some VPNs do not store any user data at all).
Answer #3
I’m pretty sure Germany does deep packet inspection, just like in Russia. and Germany is one place you definitely don’t want to get caught doing anything illegal!!. staying away from torrents, and using a VPN will give you better odds though.
Answer #4
There is no reason to be worried about it. You shouldn’t use torrent in germany or at least with a vpn. Downloading from one click hoster like or something else is no problem.
Answer #5
Take it easy and dont use torrent
Answer #6
(for example, some VPNs do not store any user data at all).
how do you know this for sure..?
Answer #7
thanks to all, i think am gonna use a VPN.
Answer #8

how do you know this for sure..?

Many VPNs (claim) they do not log any of the users data. Others only use RAM, so nothing is stored.
Answer #9
thanks to all, i think am gonna use a VPN. a review of VPN’s is here.
Answer #10
anyone recommend a good free VPN because they are kind slow
Answer #11
How’s Oktoberfest like this year there in Germany? I wish I was there.
Anyway, what you want to do is get a VPN service to make your downloads anonymous. A very good one is PIA and it only costs $40 USD a year.
Then you won ‘t have to worry about it.
Answer #12
How's Oktoberfest like this year there in Germany? I wish I was there.
Anyway, what you want to do is get a VPN service to make your downloads anonymous. A very good one is PIA and it only costs $40 USD a year.
Then you won 't have to worry about it.

well, Oktoberfest is awesome… you know how it is ;p
thanks i was reading some reviews i think its one of the best.
Answer #13
most people payin for vpn for torrenting, when you could buy a real debrid account and get better results.
Answer #14
most people payin for vpn for torrenting, when you could buy a real debrid account and get better results.
what do you mean by (real debrid) ?
Answer #15
most people payin for vpn for torrenting, when you could buy a real debrid account and get better results.
what do you mean by (real debrid) ?
Answer #16
I'm pretty sure Germany does deep packet inspection, just like in Russia. and Germany is one place you definitely don't want to get caught doing anything illegal!!. staying away from torrents, and using a VPN will give you better odds though.
Russia? Really?
I didn’t think Russia gave a crap about western piracy.. I guess the change to capitalism opened up new avenues for RIAA/MPAA.
Answer #17
The laws in Russia are very tough now, worse then the UK.
Answer #18
lets stay in germany now lol
Answer #19
The laws in Russia are very tough now, worse then the UK.
Wow.. There’s just something wrong when they have massively powerful laws that protect fascist-a-like companies like RIAA/MPAA BUT they allow 30 000 people to die on their roads each year, allow pedestrians to enact fake accident scams and crash-for-cash things..
I guess big money comes before people..
(Mind you, it’s heading that way in the UK/US/Oz too)


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