Doctor Who Collection Topic

August 6th, 2016

A while ago i found a topic on here that had all classic doctor who shows, including alot of spinoffs and audio files that was regurarly updated. Now my problem is that i seem to have misplaced that topic link and after downloading them i noticed that several files were in .rar and password protected.
I know its pretty pointless to even try and bruteforce it if i don’t even have the slightest idea of how long the password lenght is.
One of the spinoffs listed is like
Peter Cushing – Dr. Who And The Daleks (1965)
with a file name like Cushing.Who.And.The.Dals.HQ.part01.rar
Another is like K-9 & Co. – A Girl’s Best (1981)
with a filename like WhoSpoff.K9.A.Girls.Best.Friend.part5.rar
That’s all i have to go on at this point. Can anyone point me to the proper topic so i can grab the password from there?
Kind of need it urgently

Answer #1
From your posting history you have downloaded from the links provided by Aurih.
Some of his files have the following password.
Password: ISO2DryDjinn

Your replies:

Answer #2
I’ll defo check that later. But looks like it is what i’m lookin for. Will report back


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