CRC error with .rar files that are exactly 999mb?

January 20th, 2020

For the last week or so I’ve noticed that every time I try to extract a 999mb .rar file, I get a CRC error.
At first I thought it was multi-part files that were the issue, but then I tested a game DL that happened to have four files that were each 997mb and it worked.
All other file sizes extract without issue, and I’ve attempted downloading several different 999mb files from multiple hosts, and the same problem occurs every time.
I’ve already run memory and hard disk checks when I thought the problem was broader, but now that I’ve narrowed it to just this, I’m at a complete loss.
Any advice? Greatly appreciated!
UPDATE: The issue seems to be fixed. I don’t know which part of this process solved it, but I uninstalled 7zip and winrar completely, I did at least 5-6 register cleans via CCleaner, reinstalled 7zip, and ran windows update which hadn’t been done for about two months.
None of these things seemed like they would do the trick, save the registry clean (which I already attempted) but somehow the problem seems resolved.
I hope that helps anyone with this issue in the future and thanks again for the responses.

Answer #1
check for error with the feature available in winrar and see
Answer #2
This is the error I get with Winrar:
Packed data checksum error in rld-rlegends.iso. The volume is corrupt
When I try the repair feature, I get:
Detecting archive type…
—> RAR
Build N:\JDL\fixed.led.rld.lgmn.part1.rar
Searching for recovery record
—> recovery record not found
Build N:\JDL\rebuilt.led.rld.lgmn.part1.rar
Found rld-rlegends.iso
Detecting archive type…
—> RAR
Build N:\JDL\fixed.led.rld.lgmn.part2.rar
Searching for recovery record
—> recovery record not found
Build N:\JDL\rebuilt.led.rld.lgmn.part2.rar
Found rld-rlegends.iso
Detecting archive type…
—> RAR
Build N:\JDL\fixed.led.rld.lgmn.part3.rar
Searching for recovery record
—> recovery record not found
Build N:\JDL\rebuilt.led.rld.lgmn.part3.rar
Found rld-rlegends.iso
Detecting archive type…
—> RAR
Build N:\JDL\fixed.led.rld.lgmn.part4.rar
Searching for recovery record
—> recovery record not found
Build N:\JDL\rebuilt.led.rld.lgmn.part4.rar
Found rld-rlegends.iso
Detecting archive type…
—> RAR
Build N:\JDL\fixed.led.rld.lgmn.part5.rar
Searching for recovery record
—> recovery record not found
Build N:\JDL\rebuilt.led.rld.lgmn.part5.rar
Found rld-rlegends.iso
Detecting archive type…
—> RAR
Build N:\JDL\fixed.led.rld.lgmn.part6.rar
Searching for recovery record
—> recovery record not found
Build N:\JDL\rebuilt.led.rld.lgmn.part6.rar
Found rld-rlegends.iso
Upon trying to extract, I get the same error again.
Answer #3
Try with WinRar 5.0 Beta
How do you download i mean IDM or Jdownloader??
Answer #4
Try 7zip too. I have seen on another site that they recommend 7zip as winrar can have problems with some of their files, so that could be your problem also.
Answer #5
I typically use 7zip actually. I only used winrar to try the recovery.
I’ve tried downloading via Firefox, Chrome, and JDownloader and the same issue persists.
Answer #6
recovery record not found
if you get this above, the uploader didnt add winrar recovery record. You wont be able to fix the corrupt file.
All you can do is re-download and hope it is not corrupt the next download.
YOu should run first winrar “test archived files” first. That may pinpoint the exact download that is corrupt.
Usually it is one download, not all. Then redownload since it does not have any recovery record to fix.
Answer #7
recovery record not found
if you get this above, the uploader didnt add winrar recovery record. You wont be able to fix the corrupt file.
All you can do is re-download and hope it is not corrupt the next download.
YOu should run first winrar "test archived files" first. That may pinpoint the exact download that is corrupt.
Usually it is one download, not all. Then redownload since it does not have any recovery record to fix.

is 7zip’s “test archived file” the same thing? I believe I’ve tried both but I’ve been trying to resolve this issue for almost a week now so I’ve lost track of all the stuff I’ve tried to fix. I’ll try to re-download the problem file from different hosts to see if that fixes it, but I think it’s already one of the dozens of things I’ve attempted to do.
thanks again to everyone who has responded, I appreciate it.


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