Core 2 Duo Question

February 7th, 2022

Hi all, i’m planning on upgrading from P4 to core 2 duo. My question is, do i have to change my os? I’m using Vista Ultimate, and i really would like to know, if any, what other changes i would have to do. Any info, would be greatly appreciated.
Answer #1
No, when upgrading a CPU you don’t need to reinstall your OS. However, are you sure that your mother board supports Core 2 Duo? If it doesn’t then you’ll have to get a new one to upgrade and in that case you will have to reinstall your OS. What’s your MoBo model?
Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #2
Hey , thanks for replying, ok i have a dell dimension 8400, but i did a little research, and from what i’ve read, it says it’s compatable. But then, i just scanned and found that i can upgrade to 64bit. Now i’m confused.
Answer #3
Grab a nifty little app called CPU-z from here:
Run it and post a screenshot of the Mainboard tab. Also, 64 Bit and Dual Core are not two opposite things. Core 2 duo processors can be either 32 or 64 bit
Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #4
Ok thanks, hope this helps.
Oops sorry forgot to include this one.
Answer #5
Please take a screenshot of the “Mainboard” tab in the program mate. Then post it here. Also, if you read that your mother board supports Core 2 duo and 64Bit processors then you can easily upgrade your Processor to Core 2 duo without reinstalling your OS. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #6
Sorry, didn’t want to repost, so i edited.
Answer #7
I’m not at all sure that your motherboard supports Core 2 duo. Where did you read that it supports Core 2 duo processors or even simple dual core ones?
Answer #8
the socket 775 will take a dual core but the i925 chipset will not run it at it’s full potential or may not support it at all
the i925x is you limiting factor and can’t seem to find much info on it
Answer #9
the i925x is you limiting factor and can't seem to find much info on it
I think its the Intel 925x chipset
Its got a FSB of 800 which would suit a dual core not a core2 duo
Answer #10

Raditz wrote: Select all

the i925x is you limiting factor and can't seem to find much info on it
I think its the Intel 925x chipset
Its got a FSB of 800 which would suit a dual core not a core2 duo
Here’s an artical on it:
Answer #11

Raditz wrote: Select all

the i925x is you limiting factor and can't seem to find much info on it
I think its the Intel 925x chipset
Its got a FSB of 800 which would suit a dual core not a core2 duo

Here’s an artical on it:
[ 04/13/2004 ]

Some other unofficial sources also suggested that Intel was considering whether to add or not support for Pentium 4 �Prescott� processors with 1066MHz processor system bus into the i925X chipset. They also alluded that appropriate Prescott chips in LGA775 form-factor are in the works.

thats a pretty old article, Intel’s website says the 925x has a FSb=800
Answer #12
Your chipset doesn’t support Core 2 duo. You might want to consider using Pentium D which might work for you
Answer #13
Intel's website says the 925x has a FSb=800
as duz his CPU-z CPU page (798.0)
anyone find a list of supported CPU’s for that i925x, that’s what I was looking for
Answer #14
Thank you , really glad i got the right info, before making a big mistake. And about that Pentuim D, would i really see any difference between the two?
Answer #15
Again, I’m not sure if the Mobo officially supports Pentium D processors but if it does then you can simply get a good compatible Pentium D processor and overclock it like crazy. Then you’ll be able to squeeze out pretty good results with it. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #16
, one thing i’m sure of, is that my pc can be upgraded to 64bit. But i don’t know if it’s a good idea, what would you suggest(64bit or keep 32bit)?
Answer #17
Get 64 Bit. There aren’t many programs right now that can take full advantage of the performance boost but in the near future there will be more so you might as well save yourself the trouble and get a 64Bit processor
Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #18
Thank you , for all your help, and yes i will take your sound advice.
Answer #19
Again, I'm not sure if the Mobo officially supports Pentium D processors but if it does then you can simply get a good compatible Pentium D processor and overclock it like crazy. Then you'll be able to squeeze out pretty good results with it. Good luck mate ^_^
The Dell Dimension 8400 cannot be overclocked.
Answer #20
CPU-z that’s a tidy little app! thanks for the link.
Good luck with the upgrade
Answer #21
Does xp sp2 support all 4 cores in quad core (Q6600). Also does it support dx10?