Combining nginx and Apache (XAMPP Ubuntu x64)

August 28th, 2013

Howdy folks.
It’s been a while since I’ve been active on WBB. I have been working real hard to get some stable servers running for my websites. Anyhow, I’ll try to be specific with my question in the hope someone will point me in the right direction.
I have XAMPP (LAMPP) 1.7.7 running on my Ubuntu x86_x64 OS, with kind of everything configured for the best optimized results.
I have been using eAccelerator as my PHP cacher and I’m satisfied with it, unlike most people who prefer Memcache or APC over eAcc. I have done a lot of digging and testing and have found myself using the best set-up I can use for my website.
However, here’s the tricky part.
My website is storing a lot of static content. Photos, videos, music etc. I have a CDN optimizer configured with my site and actually have no problems with any slow downs or anything at all, I’m just getting prepared for more population on my site. I have been trying to set nginx as my main-server, leaving Apache in the back-end server, making nginx handle the static content.
I have read a lot of tutorials and documentations, digging, spoofing, searching etc… And I found out that to be able to do this installation, I would need a 32-bit system, which I don’t. They say “if you’re on a 64-bit system, you will have to compile it yourself”.
I have the XAMPP developer package installed as well, I just have no clue what to do next. So, to sum up, I am trying to install nginx on my excisting set-up of XAMPP 1.7.7, making nginx the main-stream server.
Does anyone have any idea what I would have to do in order to get this baby running? I thank you in advance!
Regards, Slish.

Answer #1
Cherokee+Varnish is far superior imo.


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