clone system

August 7th, 2016

Dear All,
i have a laptop using some kind of my application i bought, lately this laptop hardware isn’t really wel and i want to clone the HDD to use it in a different healthy laptop,
can someone please tell me how to do it on the best way?

Answer #1
What os are you using if its Windows 8 you don’t need to do anything just plug it into the new system.
Answer #2
What os are you using if its Windows 8 you don't need to do anything just plug it into the new system.
Yea, it all depends on the OS. I have been successful with Vista and 7 doing this exact same thing.
Answer #3
its XP OS,
thank you guys
Answer #4
Not going to work with XP.
They make software that will attempt to clone a system, but I never tried any of it.
Answer #5
can you advise which one software is it ?
is there is any other way to copy the installed software to another pc? i don’t if they use some dll or just the program files one
thank you
Answer #6
you can’t clone a system with xp unless the hardware is IDENTICAL. If it’s not, then the new system wouldn’t even boot due to missing / wrong drivers. Incorrect installion path’s etc. It hasn’t really been possible / easy to clone a system untill vista came along. Thats the first real OS that if you take out the drive and put it into a new system (or clone the drive) it will fire up and simply install all the new hardware drivers on login.
Long story short. Your easiest, best, safest & shortest option is a simple clean win XP reinstall.
Answer #7
you can't clone a system with xp unless the hardware is IDENTICAL. If it's not, then the new system wouldn't even boot due to missing / wrong drivers. Incorrect installion path's etc. It hasn't really been possible / easy to clone a system untill vista came along. Thats the first real OS that if you take out the drive and put it into a new system (or clone the drive) it will fire up and simply install all the new hardware drivers on login.
Long story short. Your easiest, best, safest & shortest option is a simple clean win XP reinstall.

i can’t do a clean install, the softwares that i am worried about cost fortune!!
hopefully someone have idea atleast how to copy the installed software to another healthy system!
Answer #8
What software is it? If you paid for it, you can re-install it and transfer the license. If its cracked, you can just download it again =D
Answer #9
this the problem, the software i have is not on the net, its for car’s programming,
Answer #10
All Data? What program is it?
Answer #11
Answer #12
Sorry, never heard of that one. ALLDATA might have the same info, not sure tho.
Answer #13
it calls Offboard Diagnostic information System
thank you


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