Can’t convert to/with H264…?

August 5th, 2016

Hi, I got myself TMPGEnc 4.0 Express and been doing some converting.
Now I’ve been planning to try and upload HD videos to Youtube etc…
If I’m not mistaken you need that H264 Codec to do it, so I got that aswell:
So I start up the program and open a video (an mpg in this case), and select to convert to MPEG-4 I presume?
But I can’t find H264 anywhere?
Am I doing something wrong here…?
Any help would be appreciated, it’s all pretty new for me… Thanks!

Answer #1
change the “output container type” to MKV I think
Answer #2
Thanks for the quick reply, but it’s not an option in the little dropdown menu:
Answer #3
choose AVC here, not ISO
and encode a small portion to see if it comes out h264
Answer #4
Uninstall TMPGEnc use Sorenson Squeeze 6, Its the best H.264 encoder out there by a mile.
Answer #5

choose AVC here, not ISO
and encode a small portion to see if it comes out h264

So just converted a video, didn’t have to touch the settings I presume?
Got an mp4 file, and VLC gives me this info:
Answer #6
Uninstall TMPGEnc use Sorenson Squeeze 6, Its the best H.264 encoder out there by a mile.
Thanks for the info, I’ll check it out if this really doesn’t work out
Answer #7
you have the latest version install ?
Answer #8
I’ve got
So it’s not really outdated.
Answer #9
So it's not really outdated.
might be for h264 encoding tho
if your not adding and filters AVIdemux will output MKV/h264(x264)


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