Can this tower support dual monitors?

July 28th, 2013

I only see it has 1 VGA port…. but what do I know. If so do I need anything extra? Thanks!
– Thanks

Answer #1
It’s got an HDMI port as well..!
You use a HDMI to DVI cable to connect it to your flat screen monitor.
Answer #2
This is only my personal opinion, but I would never buy any PC that comes with an Intel video card/chip in it.
They are one of the worst video manufacturers in the industry and their 3d technology is almost non-existant. If all you are planning to do with this box is surf the internet and check some email, great, but if you wanted to play even the simplest of games on your PC, choose a different one.
If you can afford a little more, this one is not bad:
Otherwise, at least make sure the one you want has a PCI-E video card slot so you can upgrade in the future when more moeny becomes available.
Edit And no, most PC that come with onboard video cards can not run dal monitors. Most PCs that have both a VGA and an HDMI plug do not allow you to use both at the same time to run dual monitors. Some may, but I would not think a Gateway would.
Answer #3
Intel only made on-board video cards for those who weren’t planning on playing games or doing anything excessively demanding. Most came with an AGP / PCI-E port as a substitute.
Answer #4
You could buy the system you were looking at and then add a decent graphics card to it..
With the GTX660ti you will have a decent system for $900 odd dollars.
This would handle all your needs nicely and is far better than the crappy card that they want to get rid of in this system..
Mind you, they would want to up the PSU somewhat as it is only 300W…
You would want a good quality 500-600W Power supply included !
Answer #5
I personally don’t like motherboards made by intel. I prefer asus/gigabyte than intel.


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