How do have different wallpapers on dual monitors

August 7th, 2016

Just as topic says
Do I use a software? BioniX Desktop Wallpaper Changer perhaps?

Answer #1
Display Fusion has this option.
Answer #2
If you are looking for software, you should start by providing your Operating System.
Not all packages are available on all all platforms.
Answer #3
Looks like Bionics would be worth a shot…Does all OS , in case you don’t know what you have
Answer #4
Looks like Bionics would be worth a shot...Does all OS , in case you don't know what you have

Well I tried this bionix, it seems ok, but you can’t have the individual wallpapers displayed without having the BIOIX logo appearing on both desktop backgrounds.
It keeps saying you have to upgrade to their Ultimate edition, with their freeware you have a big BIOIX logo on your desktops.
WROTE: If you are looking for software, you should start by providing your Operating System. Not all packages are available on all all platforms.
Personally! I feel like I should not have to use any software to achieve this task being as duel monitors today are the norm.
I thought you did not need a software to perform this task, I thought you could do it it windows.
I am using Windows 7 64 Bit.
Answer #5
I use DesktopFusion Pro, check it out here:
Answer #6
I use Ultramon
Answer #7
Personally! I feel like I should not have to use any software to achieve this task being as duel monitors today are the norm.
Yea well, there is some really awesome software out there, that is worth having, and will enable much more than just wallpaper selection.
Answer #8
Personally! I feel like I should not have to use any software to achieve this task being as duel monitors today are the norm.
Yea well, there is some really awesome software out there, that is worth having, and will enable much more than just wallpaper selection.

I am looking for something lightweight, just to perform the task at hand.
I tried that BioniX, it seemed pretty sweet, but the freeware version display a big BioniX logo on both desktop monitors.
Thanx tried your recommend of Ultramon, cracked flawlessly with the keygen, was able to achieve different wallpapers on both, only thing that it does not perform is wallpaper slideshows If this software did do that it would be super awesome!
really looking for a software that can display different wallpaper on both monitors, while I have a wallpaper slideshow on my primary monitor.
Did not try that DesktopFusion Pro as I was unable to find a cracked version for it anywhere on the web.
Answer #9
Actual Multiple Monitors is the best one.
UltraMon is popular, but I liked AMM over this one.
DisplayFusion is poorly coded, I do not like this one.
Those are the best 3 options however.
Answer #10
ultramon gets my vote.
Answer #11
Actual Multiple Monitors is the best one.
UltraMon is popular, but I liked AMM over this one.
DisplayFusion is poorly coded, I do not like this one.
Those are the best 3 options however.

I personally don’t see much difference between UltraMon & Actual Multiple Monitors, yet both software’s don’t offer slideshow wallpaper displaying Maybe it’s the versions I am using, tried Actual Multiple Monitors 8.0.3 and am currently using UltraMon 3.2.1
Bionix does offer wallpaper slideshow displaying on both monitor, too bad there is no cracked versions of the software available.
Answer #12
You could use the Active Desktop feature in Windows XP to do this but it doesn’t work in Vista or Seven…
The free version of DisplayFusion will do what you want…
or version with all the bells and whistles…
Answer #13
You could use the Active Desktop feature in Windows XP to do this but it doesn't work in Vista or Seven...
The free version of DisplayFusion will do what you want...
or version with all the bells and whistles...

Thanx!! I got the time to toy around with this DisplayFusion software, an it was able to achieve the tasks that I wanted it to do
Will toy with the other settings of the software later.
looks like I will be sticking with this software
Thanx for the heads up, an thanx for the link to the cracked version.


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