Can any1 give me a hint about the problem with JDownloader?

August 7th, 2016

Namely, I didnt use the JDownloader for some time, but it was installed on my pc. And when I tried to open it , my task bar always says it works , it is started, but I do not see it at all, no window for JD opens… Then I reinstalled it, but the problem is the same.
Can anyone,please, tell me if I m doing sth wrong?

Answer #1
Have you installed both Java and JavaFX?
Answer #2
Hidden in tray?
That happened to me sometimes…Down right corner…
If it’s not that, try to update Java, or the easiest solution, just uninstall and install new version or even JDownloader 2 Beta
Answer #3
yup i have java, i instaled and reinstalled but nothing works. for some reason it does not even shows itself up in tray O.o… i ll try updating java or something and i ll try 2 beta version, thnx to both of you but if it does not work again I ll whine some more
Answer #4
Uninstall the Java and java fx
Then download and install old version of java 6 update 32
Start jdownloader. It shud work now
Never update java !!!!!
Answer #5
hey Wazz ok I guess I ll try that! I didnt start working on the solution yet, so I think I ll go with your suggestion first then Let me try it ^^
Answer #6
ok wazz, i followed your advice. lava removed than reinstalled with the version you provided. let me check if the JD works now.
Answer #7
People, I would really like to thank to all of you who answered my question and gave me the piece of advice It worked and I have JD on back again I truly appreciate all of your efforts, all of the help and the time you dedicated to help my littleness
Answer #8
did i help u ?
Answer #9
Your advice was truly truly helpful And I cannot thank you for that ! Owe you a big time
Answer #10
Ur welcome . Glad it helped.
I also had this problem when i formated my laptop when I installed new java and jdownloader.
So I uninstalled the new java and java fx. Then I downloaded and installed old version of java. Then jdownloader worked
Answer #11
i truly truly thank you one more time! Your help means a lot! Thnx for being there for the members HUGZ
Answer #12
software will download but it will not run help me out

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