Buying a Domain

August 4th, 2016

Hello – I am buying a domain (fist time) to set up a blog and i need some info.
I am buying the domain from
Which one should i choose for a public blog ?

Answer #1
Standard.. for blog you don’t need nothing bigger!
Answer #2
if i buy a domain from godaddy – will the domain name appear on the bank statement of my credit card on my paypal account ?
Answer #3
I’d get the Deluxe package unless you want people to be able to look up your address easily Smile
Answer #4
why dont you get one from google?
Answer #5
Privacy is needed. Choose deluxe or better.
Answer #6
no..the domain name will not appear on your pp account or on your bank statement….
Answer #7
Get deluxe, at least your info will be private at whois
Answer #8
go for standard need more than this if u want a blog only..
Answer #9
deluxe or the protected..dont go for the standard one
Answer #10
buy deluxe or buy it from another company that gives you protection, such as ovh it comes free only your name will be shown in whois with them.
Answer #11 Free Privacy!
Answer #12, Free privacy
Answer #13
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