Burning Movies onto Dual Layer disc

August 5th, 2016

Ran out of 4.6 single layer discs and I want to burn and watch a couple movies tonight. Can I successfully burn two movies onto a dual layer disc, and if so, do I have to worry about the layer break, or is that just for games? Want to put Inception and Shutter Island on the same disc. I have already converted them using Convertx, but I’m not sure about the DVD menu settings. They are:
Auto start playback
Loop Playback
Play titles one after another
Skip Root menu initially
Return to title menu after titleset playback
Don’t create title menu for single title.
And I’m sure that my encoding setting should be on 8100MB, maybe?
Never had to adjust these, and I’m sure I might have to now.
Any help would be appreciated.

Answer #1
Yea use convertxtodvd I don’t think u can burn two iso/img to the same DVD…
Answer #2
I still have the original mkv files. Can I add them both at the same time? I was unsure about how the DVD menu settings acted in accordance with one another. Really not sure about the last two.
P.S. I don’t want to join the movies.
Answer #3
yea convetxtodvd will do that…it will be in the menu…and if its on a dual layer (which you can select in settings) to my knowledge…youll have great quality…i once tried to put 3 movies on a single layer (all 3 free whillies) lets just say it didnt turn out good ;0


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