‘Borrowing’ Wi-fi

February 5th, 2020

I was wondering about the Australian laws concerning Wi-Fi networks.
There are a lot of unprotected ones in my area (BTW I am 100% fine for internet, got unlimited connection). But say if i well for some reason need to check my email on my ipod touch that has wifi (I would not be using more than 5 mb or so). Is it legal to even do that?

Answer #1
I’d say no but it’s a grey area as your neighbours didn’t put legal notices there.
Answer #2
technically no; as Australian law wold fall back on the commonwealth stance (very likely) and it is considered stealing here in the UK.
Though i dont know about you but i have some good neighbors..just ask them they are unlikely to say no for such small usage
Answer #3
I wouldn’t mind getting one of these, then things would not be so obvious (outside the house in a car with a laptop).
Answer #4
When we setup our wi fi for the first time we didnt password protect it, and our LAST 2gb of bandwidth went down the drain.. that sucked.
But if you reckon u wanna just check EMAIL… it wud probly go unnoticed..
Still if i ever met the person that “Stole” from me and i knew it was them 100%, i wud hope that by that time i wud have a highly developed skill of Kung fu.
But then again… if someone used my net for checking an email, then i dont think i wud wanna “UNLEASH MY WRATH” down at them. id probly let it go.
Answer #5
When we setup our wi fi for the first time we didnt password protect it, and our LAST 2gb of bandwidth went down the drain.. that sucked.
But if you reckon u wanna just check EMAIL... it wud probly go unnoticed..
Still if i ever met the person that "Stole" from me and i knew it was them 100%, i wud hope that by that time i wud have a highly developed skill of Kung fu.

Lol, Well some people class it as stealing, some other people class it like an open window. I would happily leave our wi-fi open with the internet if it didn’t expose our computers on the network so much. We have unlimited downloads so I couldn’t care less.
Answer #6
i fell sorry for the people who own the house we stayed in while i was on christmas holiday, they were kind enough to leave the WIFI password on their modem
and i havnt heard of anyone getting into “legal” trouble over this in AUS
Answer #7
Lol ^ If i went on holiday, and the PC’s were off, I’d put our 9db antenna on our wi-fi router and call it ‘free unlimited wifi’
Better than just wasting it
Answer #8
its not borrowing, that would mean your giving it back, its STEALING wifi.
Answer #9
Lol ^ If i went on holiday, and the PC's were off, I'd put our 9db antenna on our wi-fi router and call it 'free unlimited wifi'
Better than just wasting it

i dont borther to password out wireless network. No one that lives near by has the technical expertise to log on to someone elses wireless network
Answer #10
The things you can do when someone joins your network, I myself leave mine nice and open for people to join…. But i have other plans! Muahhahahaha!
Answer #11
Lol ^ If i went on holiday, and the PC's were off, I'd put our 9db antenna on our wi-fi router and call it 'free unlimited wifi'
Better than just wasting it

i dont borther to password out wireless network. No one that lives near by has the technical expertise to log on to someone elses wireless network

lol, Well i thought my area was full of old people (rofl) but it actually has lots of wi-fi networks. I just don’t wanna be arrested sitting in a secluded part of a carpark with a big wi-fi antenna.
Answer #12
Lol ^ If i went on holiday, and the PC's were off, I'd put our 9db antenna on our wi-fi router and call it 'free unlimited wifi'
Better than just wasting it

lol, I would do that. But no one in my street would even know how to connect to a wireless connection.. And plus, we live in a big enough house (it’s not huge, it’s just kinda spread out) that even if you got a connection it would either be 2kb/s or drop out 10 seconds later.
Answer #13
my dad gets a poor signal on his comp and hes only about 15 meters away from the router, which is the one of the most expensvie Belkin ones. The problem is our entire house is made out of think brick walls, which really affects the wireless range
Answer #14
i currently brrowsing, downloading, surfing using a free wifi connectiion. been doin this for the past 6 months. No problem here for me….p.s i’m getting internet for 00.00$
Answer #15
i currently brrowsing, downloading, surfing using a free wifi connectiion. been doin this for the past 6 months. No problem here for me....p.s i'm getting internet for 00.00$I think that’s considered stealing in some countries. And just so you know, if your using an unencrypted connection people can see what you have being doing with packet sniffers like wire-shark.
Answer #16
i do it sometimes through my mobile phone
Answer #17
that is illegal,what a piece of ~censored~!
Answer #18
In our neighborhood we call that stealing, not borrowing
But still, I don’t know if there’s already laws about this situation.
Answer #19
IMO, it’s their fault leaving it unsecured. Go ahead and use it all you like. You can make the excuse your NIC automatically connected to it.
Answer #20
i fell sorry for the people who own the house we stayed in while i was on christmas holiday, they were kind enough to leave the WIFI password on their modem
and i havnt heard of anyone getting into "legal" trouble over this in AUS

That’s exactly what someone here where I’m on christmas vacation has forgot to put on
Answer #21
lol this is funny because im out in Arizona right now (vacation). And im using someone elses wifi right now because im staying in a old ppl sub division (where using my grandparents summer home and theres no internet connection) and ive been downloading movies off RS like crazy lol. 700kbps hell yah!
Answer #22
its not borrowing, that would mean your giving it back, its STEALING wifi.
its ” borrowing without permission “… is that ok
Answer #23
no, like i said, borrowing means your giving back what ever your getting, in this case your not, your taking it, without permission, and with no intent to give it back
Answer #24
Lol my neighbours is 4meg and mine is 1meg, i can’t get faster for some reason :S. I just do it overnight when they’re not on. Check on with default login and you can see if they’re on. Now cracking wep is not nice, i’ve done it but i’m sure that’s not very legal. Tut tut
Answer #25
You cannot get into any trouble for this at all. If their network is unsecured, you can make up the excuse that your computer automatically connected to their network. This happens to a lot of computers. Just say you thought you were on your own network.
Answer #26
if they cared they wouldve put a password, Mines have a pass but I still use theirs!
Answer #27
using other people unprotected wifie is stealing thats stupid they shoulda locked it
Answer #28
, you’re on a site asking if it’s legal to use someones wifi connection. Wtf is your problem? Download 400gb’s of porn and throw the laptop away, blame your neighbors and you’re good to go. There is no WHITE on , live with it.
Answer #29
Yeah, why is someone asking ‘is that legal?’ on a site? Kinda stupid.
Answer #30
If you find a wireless network open around your neighborhood and it isnt password protected….well its kinda like you neighbor leaving his/her front door open and you walking into it. Only its a network. Not sure if its illegal in Australia tho.


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