Best pace for torrents?
February 4th, 2020
The best general trackers I use are SCC, IPTorrents and Torrentleech, but you need invites.
I use megaupload for everithing, else if there are no mu links i try to search on private tracker i used to sue demonoid and torrentleech, but u need invites.
I would recommend Torrent-Damage, it’s a good community but you also need an invite.
Been using this site for years with utorrent as my downloader. No registration or invite needed.
Try Demonoid. Torrents database is very huge and leeching speeding is outstanding.
PS: Invitation/Registration is required. [Usually the site opens registrations on the 1 or 2 first days of each month.]
Hope it helps. Cheers
I use thepiratebay for torrents.I prefer public trackers instead of private as it is much easier to upload due to huge no of leechers.
Except pr0n* you can find everything else here.Hail wbb
Been using this site for years with utorrent as my downloader. No registration or invite needed.
Yea that’s like the goole of torrents love and recommend this site
Private torrent normally have much seeders but you will need a invite, either Torrentleech or Demonoid

PS: Invitation/Registration is required. [Usually the site opens registrations on the 1 or 2 first days of each month.]
Hope it helps. Cheers
Haha! Dude thanks, i read this and imigaitely checked for the registeration since its the 1st. and they where open, registered now!
The best place for torrent for new users entering that scene. Is either iptorrents or torrentday. Torrentday open signup are on the first day of every month. Sometimes it last till the 3rd, but it depends if it hits their cap. demonoid is alright, not the best but it is good.
If you need an invite to any of these feel free to send me an pm asking for an invite.
Currently out of ipt invites.
You can check these sites to see if there are any current registrations of Private trackers are open at
Free place –
and also recommend – and
Leecherslair great speeds and selection although its invites only they do open their doors quite often
Private torrents are best
like ipt