Best Burning Software

January 28th, 2020

Could anybody recommend a good piece of DVD burning software for a quick burn unlike Nero which takes quite a while.
Thanks in advance

Answer #1
The speed isn’t dependent on the software really more on the speed you’re burning
Answer #2
Yes but for me Nero would take around an hour or two and Convertx would take around 30 minutes to burn a DVD with menus.
Answer #3
That’s not the burning part. That’s called the encoding stage. You should have mentioned DVD converter or etc in the title instead of burnin
Yeah ConvertXtoDVD is the fastest around
Answer #4
Ahh alright, I understand now ..thanks alot mate.
Oh and also ..damn you have alot of posts lol!
Answer #5
use nero.. its easy to use..
Answer #6
ConvertX is extremely fast though
Answer #7
If its taking a hour or so for you to burn something i would advise buying a new burner cause that one sucks
Answer #8
Nah it’s an hour to encode in Nero lol but I find ConvertX does this process alot quicker, burning takes about 3 minutes max


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