Avoid Hard Drive to be formated

August 6th, 2016

If I write here, that means, i’ve been trying many solutions from google but they didn’t work. so, please, don’t tell me “GOOGLE IT”.
here’s my problem.
I have a hard drive that I put on a Rack (external drive) 3″5. and once I place the ubs, windows prompt Format disk.
on the disk management, it says: RAW.
how can i save my data?
if I turn the external drive on and restart windows, it says BOOTMGR is missing. (however this partition doesn’t contain system)
Please, help

Answer #1
Connect the Hard Drive to your PC and backup your data..
Possibly faulty enclosure..
Answer #2
You should try using gdisk from a linux distro.
Answer #3
Try opening it in any linux distro saved many hdd by doing this .


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