Avatar (5.7K) not being accepted in my profile. Wassup?

August 7th, 2016

Photobucket seems to have objected to and that’s killed my avatar. So I tried again. And again. And again. Finally, after many resizes I’m trying to use an avatar that’s only 5.7K and STILL the profile configurator is telling me “Ya can’t have an avatar that’s 12000 bytes!!”. Well, it AIN’T 12000 bytes.
Is there a new problem with the board regarding avatars?

Answer #1
Well PM a mod mate. Try Linking through external website first and then PM a moderator if you fail
Answer #2
Tinypic seems to have gone weird as well and if PB doesn’t work for you, give lulzimg a last shot. If that fails, just pm a mod
Answer #3
Use the Upload Avatar from your machine: option, I was having the same kind of problem.[Probably some minor bug in the script]
I’m in the process of reposting over 500 screen shots and images to http://lulzimg.com/homelulz
thanks to TinyPic [The Jerks]
Answer #4
Thanks guys, it seems to have sorted itself out. Cheers


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