Archived rar file extentions

November 3rd, 2013

Inadvertently I downloaded 17 files without realizing that some had an abbreviated name before the part number other a longer name ….all ended with part.01.rar part2.rar etc
The file add up to 7.6gb un-extracted. I don’t want to destroy them if I can help it..
Can I rename the file names to make all the files the same name..anyone?

Answer #1
Yes you can… this:
Just don’t change partX.rar all before this you can change.
Answer #2
Renaming all the parts with the same name should be ok..But..
Do not alter the extension including the part1 part2 and so on:
and so on…
Answer #3
Great news and the ‘magic wand’ I was looking for..thanks for taking the time out to reply I know you are busy guys


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