Anti-Virus Help?

January 27th, 2020

ok well i have AVG and ive noticed it uses alot of Ram if you call it that well it makes my system go slower and i just have 1 GB of ram (havent boughten ~love~ for my computer yet) well what im asking if which Anti-Virus is Good and wont take most of the Memory and wont make me lag when im playing games…
Answer #1
Well it depends. You want freeware one? I would go with ClamWin for freeware and its light. Then you bundle it with SuperAntiSpyware and Malwarebytes and then you would need a firewall.
I personally use McAfee but it is heavy on ram. Another choice is just wing it without antivirus and use my virus removal tutorial. In my tutorial i give link to online scanners so you can scan for free, as long as you have the freeware spyware removers i recommend they will let you know if anything bad is going on so if you ever need antivirus you can install it then. It all depends if you know how to use common sense and what you download. Why not install Vmware and do all funny stuff in it then you be safe. When you are not browsing risky stuff you turn off vmware and use your normal OS.
Answer #2
Kaspersky > *
Answer #3
Answer #4
Answer #5
it uses little resource and lightest av imo. also, it is one of the best av
Answer #6
i suggest youll use antivir , its free,very light and got excellent detection rate
it have an update nag (popup ad) every every update but it can easily be disabled (just google for antivir nag disable),it does not have a mail scanner
however (for e-mail progs like outlook express) but its really no biggy
as the resident scanner will pick up on it before youll have the chance
to run it , combine that with comodo firewall and youll be very safe i do recommend turnning off proactive defense on comodo tho
as its very annoying (prompts you on running every file) Well it depends. You want freeware one? I would go with ClamWin for freeware and its light. Then you bundle it with SuperAntiSpyware and Malwarebytes and then you would need a firewall.
I personally use McAfee but it is heavy on ram. Another choice is just wing it without antivirus and use my virus removal tutorial. In my tutorial i give link to online scanners so you can scan for free, as long as you have the freeware spyware removers i recommend they will let you know if anything bad is going on so if you ever need antivirus you can install it then. It all depends if you know how to use common sense and what you download. Why not install Vmware and do all funny stuff in it then you be safe. When you are not browsing risky stuff you turn off vmware and use your normal OS.

clamwin does not have a resident scanner (that scans every file~ Folders are not allowed ~ on access) so its not a good option at all,not using one is even worse
his pc could easily be infected and he wouldnt know a thing
sure online scanners will probably find it but it will be too late
and from my expirence anti-spyware programs really
dont compare to anti-viruses when it comes to malware detection


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