Anaglyph Images

August 4th, 2016

Hey Guys
I am looking for a software or a tutorial which can help me make Anaglyph images with the existing pictures i have..
with most of the tutorials i have seen on Google tells about taking 2 pictures from different angles with the help of a camera!
But what to do with the images i already have? how to make them in 3d?
I want images to be like this
Plz any help will be grateful. Smile

Answer #1
Do you already have the two different images?
You need them to make the Ana Image – that’s how it becomes 3D, you see one image data with your left eye and the second imag data with your right (actually, colour channels).
If you try to anaglyph a single image all you get is a vague impression of the WHOLE picture being set back into the paper by an inch or so – there’s no 3d effect for different areas.
If you have two images, with a separation of about 12 cm (a foot) laterally on taking them..
Open both in photoshop, select the red channel from the left image and paste it into and over (to replace fully) the red channel of the right image – it’s really that simple..
The best way to do this, and it’s FUN, is to buy TWO disposable cameras, glue them together horizontally (super glue is OK).
Look through one viewer and click BOTH buttons at the same time to take a picture. get both processed at the same shop, and then scan and do the channel trick.
Answer #2
Thanks for the reply..
i saw some comics with the 3d anaglyph effect…how would they make that? they make 1 image and change the angles?
i know this trick of taking 2 pictures from different angles with 2 different camera!
But what i wanted was is there any way to make the existing pictures 3d?
Answer #3
With comics, they’d just work out the colours needed and DRAW them.. They might make two separate drawings at the start, to work out where the colour lines go..
Really, no – there’s no good way to make a single image 3D.
You can get a sort of depth effect, but it’s the whole image recessed into the paper, not true 3d with different things at different depths.
As an aside, do a google search for ‘google earth anaglyph’ – they’ve added that 3d effect to lots of their images, and it really looks good.
Answer #4
thanks for the info
will check that out!
Answer #5
try roxio creator 2011.


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