AdBlockPlus Blocked by BlockAdBlock

August 2nd, 2016

Looking for a way to keep my ABP enabled here:
Any help would be appreciated.

Answer #1
Post on the Addon page so the Author finds a work around, adblock is active and gets updates. If there is a script to block adblock there really isnt much you can do as far as I know. I’ve never come across BlockAdBlock. Clever buggers.
Site seems harmless and its free? Support them by disabling for that site. Having said that, its a bit rude of them I suppose.
Answer #2
Where’s the Add-on page? Thanks for replying. I would leave the ads on but in their case they’re so intrusive the site becomes unwatchable for me.
Answer #3
What browser? Firefox?
Answer #4
Chrome and Firefox.
Answer #5
Ad Block Plus Forum, might already be some answers in there if you’re lucky buddy
Ad Block Plus Website
AdBlock Plus Addon page
Answer #6
Thanks. I couldn’t find it. Really appreciate your time and help.
Answer #7
too easy happy to help, good luck.
Answer #8
Spoke too soon. Don’t see a page used to notify the author/ABP about a site that’s blocking ABP.
Answer #9
I use this with ABP
Although I am finding they are getting a bit more tenacious with ads and some sites still kill it.
Answer #10
I think I subscribed to that and now have “AakList (Anti-Adblock Killer)” in my ABP filter list.
Answer #11
That´s the one, just ensure filters are kept up to date, but as I said they are really starting to play hardball with the ads, NoScript is good too but can be a pain until you´ve added settings for everywhere.
Answer #12
I think I subscribed to that and now have "AakList (Anti-Adblock Killer)" in my ABP filter list.
Did you find that through the forum link? Have you got a link to it there? please
EDIT: Its OK found it thx, doesn’t seem to work on that site, although as I have no idea what I am doing, its probably installed wrong.
Answer #13
use uBlock Origin instead. I switched to that a while ago, it is much more efficient, lighter and works on many sites where ABP had problems, like annoying ads that open in new windows on rlslog And that site you posted works fine with it. Just tried.
EDIT. I got a popup asking if I had disabled adblocker, and I could just click yes and I got in, funny.
But it definitely blocks the ads. I tried going there with IE and was bombarded by a load of ads.
Answer #14
My son has been usinf F**kF**kAdBlock (replace ** with uc) add-on for Firefox and says its very effective, will give it a look myself, no point posting link as it will probably get censored.
Answer #15
I’ll give it a go, thx Squirrel
Answer #16
F**kF**kAdBlock works on that site, not even a pop-up, same on VIPbox, think I´ll stick with it.
Answer #17
That blocker Squirrel posted actually has the Reek script available without needing grease monkey.
havent found one that blocks that site OP posted, not that I use that site but the blocks interest me.
Answer #18
F**kF**kAdBlock works on that site, not even a pop-up, same on VIPbox, think I´ll stick with it.
can’t find the addon on mozilla, pm me a ~ Disallowed ~ link maybe?
Answer #19
Comes up fine here, it goes by another name too (found on the more info page)
Answer #20
F**kF**kAdBlock works on that site, not even a pop-up, same on VIPbox, think I´ll stick with it.
can't find the addon on mozilla, pm me a ~ Disallowed ~ link maybe?

Yesum, me too..
Another one I’m trying is Adguard..Seems reasonable.
Answer #21
EDIT: Its OK found it thx, doesn't seem to work on that site, although as I have no idea what I am doing, its probably installed wrong.
If you open ABP options and see “AakList (Anti-Adblock Killer)” in the filter list you should have it. It didn’t work for me either on the site I linked which is why I asked here.
I’ll try those other blockers and see how they are. Thanks for the recommendations.
EDIT: UBlock Origin and Adguard leave white areas with sad faces where the ads are so thats a no-go. Can’t find F@@KF@@KAdblock.
Answer #22
Its kind of funny really. An Addon for “AdBlock Blocker Blocker” Where will it stop? An addon for “AdBlock Blocker Blocker Blocker” (I think thats the right amount of blockers?)
Answer #23
Its kind of funny really. An Addon for "AdBlock Blocker Blocker" Where will it stop? An addon for "AdBlock Blocker Blocker Blocker" (I think thats the right amount of blockers?)
What do they call Beta versions?
Answer #24
Comes up fine here, it goes by another name too (found on the more info page)

This is working great, BC. Thanks a lot. Can’t find it for Chrome yet though.
Edit: Where’s the more info page you referred to?
Answer #25
In add-ons click on extensions (which list what you have installed, and next to the add-on title it should say ´More´ in blue, click on that.
Answer #26
In add-ons click on extensions (which list what you have installed, and next to the add-on title it should say ´More´ in blue, click on that.
Thanks. They took it down for Chrome:
Answer #27
Beta AdBlock Blocker Blocker Blocker for Adblock Beta Beta Blocker Beta Blocker Beta Blocker Blocker V.oi812
Answer #28
Through the ABP forum I was linked to the Blocked Content section of the Easy List forum where you can post a site and receive code to enter into the “Add your own filters” list in ABP options to evade the anti-adblock. The forum is here:
Answer #29
cool thx
Answer #30
You’re welcome and thanks to you and the others repliers as well.
Answer #31
I used “Adblock Edge” till now, which is a fork of the Adblock Plus(R) version 2.1.2 and opensource, but its not continued because thers a better one. They recommend there to switch to
Answer #32
Good stuff for all the info.
Am now using effeffAdbock (not the beat her but the full anal version)
Also known politely as AdStop Enforcer
And to do the chock a blocking…
uBlock Origin 1.7.6 by Raymond Hill
Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.
Answer #33
Beta AdBlock Blocker Blocker Blocker for Adblock Beta Beta Blocker Beta Blocker Beta Blocker Blocker V.oi812
Just had to say this made me laugh, especially with the version number at the end.
Answer #34
Best version number, its the food poisoning beta
Answer #35
Gotta stay carefull tho! I have seen so many opensource, free, nonprofit go “lets add some 3dparty Malware in the next update, cause of our 19 Million users 99% have no clue and they give us 0,002 Bazinga’s for each install. So im gona get real rich like a boss like i deserve it now.”
Answer #36
Bit like the Saga of the radar detector..
“Scientists are currently working on a radar detector detector detector detector detector detector detector detector detector which is in the early stages of prototyping. There were plans to create a radar detector detector detector detector detector detector detector detector detector detector, but these were scrapped due to gross stupidity.” (Sep. 2008)
Answer #37
LMFAO Bit like the bible also. Begot begot begot begot begot. Hard to tell science and religion apart sometimes. Thank god for Firefox Remove Add-on. If only life was that simple (without having to resort to a blunt instrument)


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