WhiteCap 5.0.5 Serial dont work!

September 11th, 2017

I tried many ways to make it work. It doesent work! Can someone please help me?? Im getting serial code error …
Tried to turn internet off and install then put in serial and put the update evey week to never. DOESENT WORK
Tried to put the text given to me in hosts DOESENT WORK

Answer #1

Which to select to change static IP?internet proto. v4 or v6

September 10th, 2017

Which to select to change static IP?internet proto. v4 or v6
why got internet protocol v4 and v6?
i wanna change my dynamic to static ip
when i wanna change it, i found that got 2 internet protocol option
1 is version 4 and the other is version 6
which should i click it and properties?

Answer #1

Get youtube views

September 9th, 2017

How do I get more video views on my video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZIHlucTd64 That is the video that im trying to promote but its not getting any views. All i need is 1000. Any ideas? Are there any youtube viewer programs that still work out there?
Answer #1
put more tags stuff? that is related to that video
Answer #2
Share it …

Format Issues

September 8th, 2017

Well I format allot my pc and other pc as well (my job), i have some cd with programs and such but i keep having a problem
after the format has finished first thing i do is AV then AS after that CD with Internet drivers after that what have to know is:
-Visual C++
-Anything else

Monkey Island Special Edition Won’t Install but unpacks?

September 7th, 2017

Basically I downloaded MI:SE from here http://www.google.com?t=2982432&start=0
All the file downloaded fine, I mount the image and it loads the installation screen, everything goes fine, it loads then when it’s completed at 100% it just vanishes and the game is not on my PC at all. If I remount the image it just does the same process over and over

Bridged Connection To Router Issue

September 5th, 2017

I have a laptop at my window for best connection, taking neighbors internet. Bridged connection, taking a wire to my laptop and my router to give my router internet.
It seems my router likes to DC alot, as I have kept things on all night and they disconnect on my desktop but on the laptop they are fine for days.

.onion Australian sites?

September 4th, 2017

Does anyone happen to know any .onion sites based in Australia? Ta
Answer #1
its only by chance, just search google for onion sites list.
you might get lucky.
but i don’t reccomend onion sites.
Answer #2
.onion sites are in the deep and dark web, anonymous and encrypted, and extremely difficult (but not impossible) to find out where they … Read more...

Wifi speed help

September 4th, 2017

Hi, just wondering if anyone can help me. I have 152mb Virgin Media broadband, when connected via ethernet cable I get 160mbps speed. Which is great. But my laptop is upstairs and the router downstairs, so it’s impossible. I cant have a wire going from upstairs to downstairs. When connected to wifi via my lapop my speed maxes out at Read more...

Would it be possible for me to change my graphics card?

September 2nd, 2017

I have a Futjitsu-Siemens PA1510 with:
-1gb DDR2 RAM
-120gb HDD
-AMD Turion64 x2
-ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 256mb
-Running Windows Media Centre Edition 2005
Would it be possible for me to remove my graphics card and install a new GeForce 8800GT or 8600GT?

Answer #1
I doubt since it’s a branded laptop, else if you can it will … Read more...

Something similar to Limewire

September 2nd, 2017

Has the title say it, im looking for something similar to limewire so i can download songs again and not have to pass everytime by Youtube if someone has one please let me know. Thanks in advance!
Answer #1
Personally I’ve used Vuse, it’s been around for some years now and by far the best for torrent searches, commented/rated files … Read more...

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