Windows slow startup

August 3rd, 2016

When windows start i cant listen music,play game or something is somehow slowed for 3 minutes,and when MSN load then i can!???
please i need solution

Answer #1
you probably have to much start-up processes running or your pc is infected. Try removing the startup processes first, go to run>mscofig and remove the un-necessaries from start-up
Answer #2
Go to run > Type “msconfig” > start-up tab and un-tick the boxes you don’t want windows to load at start-up.
But be sure of what you un-tick. Don’t disable a window’s process .
Answer #3
do as above. is symptopms persist, post a hijack this! log
Answer #4
You could also disable a few services (start –> run –> services.msc), but be careful with that. Another way to speed up the booting process is by using Bootvis, a boot analysis and optimisation program
Btw, it would be good if you could give us a screenshot of the task managers process list right after startup
Answer #5
Running Kaspersky by any chance? If so uninstall it right away.
Answer #6
I disable few processes . And i check my system each week with NOD, no infections…
Answer #7
Try scanning your PC with EST Smart security to check for any viruses. Also you could use System Mechanic Professional to clean up your registry. May be this could help.
Answer #8
Please download the current version of Hijack This from here.

(instructions by Belahzur)
Double click and run the installer. It will install to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HijackThis\hijackthis.exe After installing, you should get the user agreement, press accept and Hijack This will run. Select Do a system scan and save a log file. This will open a notepad file of everything Hijack This found, copy and paste it back here.
after that we will be able to assess what processes are unnecessary and potentially dangerous and also the services that could be not needed


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