Unable to connect to net from WinXPSP3 Help Requested

January 21st, 2020

I have Win xp sp3 on c and 7 on another partition.After install of xp i could access the net.Later i lost connectivity.Is there a program to diagnose the problem and remedy the defect.
Answer #1
Go to start>run (or press winkey+r) type “cmd” and hit enter
type “netsh winsock reset” and hit enter,Then restart.
Note: Leave the quotes out when you type these commands.
Answer #2
Your Xp could be infected try a complete Scan with your Anti-virus and also do a complete scan with MalwareBytes and see if you find something Also your Infection may even spread to Windows 7 so be careful
Answer #3
Loss of connectivity can easily be caused by installing or uninstalling
an antivirus/firewall,It doesn’t have to be virus related.
Answer #4
Is’nt there a program to diagnose and repair.I have also used a free program winsockxpfix but problem remained the same.
Answer #5
Do you have have any yellow devices in device manager?
To access device manager goto start>run>devmgmt.msc
Are you connected via wire (ethernet) or wireless (wifi)?
Answer #6
No yellow triangular icons seen in the DM.When i open command prompt it opens into documents folder.How can i get C:\\ and then the prompt.
Answer #7
Just do “cd\” but it makes no difference regarding typing that command^
You haven’t answered my 2nd question^.
Answer #8
I am connected via wired ethernet
Answer #9
Is your PC connected directly to the modem or to a router?
Try system restore.
Answer #10
Connected Directly to the PC
Apologies for my double posting.While the page is loading i clicked preview.
Answer #11
Connected Directly to the PC.Remove all system restore as the service was removed
Answer #12
Run cmd and type ipconfig /all >c:\123.txt
open up that text file and copy & paste.
Answer #13
OK i’ll do it paste in the topic.But it still say that ipconfig all is a bad command.
Answer #14
Make sure you include the slash /
type the command as is.


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