Rapidshare help

January 27th, 2020

Recently after my premieum accnt expired I have been having prob dload as a free user.. as soon as I click download I get this message :S :S :S
Possible reasons:
Download session expired. Direct-links last a few minutes for free users.
You requested this download session from a different IP than yours. If you use AOL, try a different browser.
If nothing helps, getting a premium-account will override the IP-check, which means it will solve this problem.
ummmm any thoughts?

Answer #1
try rapidshare premium link generators
Answer #2
Hmmm…apparently you’re not the only one that runs into this problem. Have you tried using proxy? Also, if it doesn’t help then delete your cookies, temporary files and clean your cache. One of these solutions might help you mate. Good luck ^_^


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