Installing Ubuntu 7.10

January 28th, 2020

my friend has a laptop and is tired of windows. he wants to switch to linux and he told me he wants ubuntu. so i have installed ubuntu before but this laptop has its CDROM broken(Not WORK). i thought booting from usb is a great idea. so i prepared my drive with a program i found on the net. when i went to the bios. the option to boot from usb was not there. i was searching the net and found a boot loader that will enable booting from usb. from here
but when trying to install it gives me this error
the computer is like this
i know its old.! lol
so my question is : is there any ways to boot from usb witout the bios supporting it or how to fix that error?

Answer #1

so my question is : is there any ways to boot from usb witout the bios supporting it or how to fix that error?

I don’t know for sure, but I think the answer is no It’s a hardware issue, the motherboard can’t boot from usb
Answer #2
bootloader is conflicting


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