How extract audio from games?

January 21st, 2020

I apologise in advance for my poor english.
I want to extract the audio from games,
In particular from “Dead Space”. I tried the “game audio player” but it can’t recognise the streams that Electronic Arts uses for this.
Also, I used the CDeX and the option “record from analog input” but the sound was distorted.
Is there any way to extract the audio in good quality?
Thanks,and greets from Greece.

Answer #1
Good question! I’m not sure I have a good answer, but, did you look through the game folder for .wav’s/.mp3’s?? I mean, they must be coming from somewhere…
Answer #2
Yes i looked and i tried to play the files with the “games audio player” as i said before.
Nothing happens though.The extension of the files is “.SNU”.

Answer #3
Try using Fraps,
If I am not wrong it has the option of recording Live Audio.
Answer #4
Hmm..yes and then i can rip the audio from the file.
I will try it.


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