How to use printer at school without paying?

January 25th, 2020

Hi guys, Does anyone know how to use printer at school without paying? At my uni, we have an account each, everytime we want to print, we have to top up into our own account. So i was wondering, is there anyway that i could use the printer for free? Is this possible to make it free?
Anyone helps plezzz!!!

Answer #1
That’s really hard to say without knowing how it’s set up. Maybe going to the printer and hoking up your laptop directly to it by USB? Or LPT port if it doesn’t have USB, then you need a parallel port on the laptop.
Unless the printer has some kind of buffer area that collects the data first into accounts before printing. What kind of printer is it? A regular printer or a huge copier?
Answer #2
I doubt it, unless its a small printer you can just plug to your computer lolz Tell your school to stop being cheap, at my school they let us print for free even in color.
Answer #3
We have a photocopier at school and it has a password that teachers use to photocopy for free.
I got hold of that
thats photocopying though…..
Answer #4
Probs cant get free ~love~ unless u directly plug into it, or hack into a server admin account
Answer #5
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Answer #6
We have a photocopier at school and it has a password that teachers use to photocopy for free.
I got hold of that
thats photocopying though.....

At ours, they have a password, but the password is on a post-it note on top of the copier… A bit silly if you ask me
Answer #7
Install a keylogger to one of the teacher of lecturers logins.
Answer #8
can’t say anithing …… you shouldn’t do something like that , if they find out something like that you might just get suspended or expeld even ,
Answer #9
Yeah the printer size is quite big, i think it’s medium size, it’s like bigger than the one people use at home.
It’s just like the first guy said, it’s got something like buffer, it collect all the data first into my own account and then prints.
I can’t use any keylog or anything onto those student computers cos its security’s been set very tight. YOu can’t even install any program or anything. And on the other hand, lecturers never log into any of students computer, they got their own labtop.
I have no idea what to do hey!!!


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