Psp Jailbreak, Pandora Battery and Magix Memory Stick

January 26th, 2020

Well, I really wanna jailbreak my psp Original (Fat) and get some custom firmware on this thing. I got 5.0 firmware on my psp atm, wanna revert back to 1.0 or 1.5
I’m incredibly low on cash and don’t want to buy a pandora battery and magix memory stick, any other ways I can get em?
Anyone got some they don’t need and willing to send em idk I guess I could pay SOME money but don’t be expecting much more than the shipping cost. Please help me out, gotta get this done before camp starts…

Answer #1
pandora batteries are cheap (i got mine for $10) and you can make your own magic memory stick. I’m not familar with any other methods.
Answer #2
You can make a pandora’s battery, it’s moderately easy.
this is pretty much the best guide available on how to. ps1 games
http://www.~ Dead file host ~/?d=PTZAPI31 and here is the perfect collection of emulators.
Some helpful tips though, when opening the battery, don’t slice it with a knife, don’t apply friction, or you’ll breach the inside, try more to push a knife into the sides then wiggle it. Don’t open from the bottom, or you’ll sever some connectors, and a magic memory stick must be less than 4GB. Once you are finished, you will notice that your pandora’s battery is unable to turn on your psp; to revert it, go to the clip in the battery that you cut, and draw on it with a pencil – seriously, get the lead in.
Psp is probably the best platform for emulators, I love mine to death. Have fun, good luck, and go ahead and install CFW on other people’s-make a quick buck.
Answer #3
if you know someone who has a modded psp or a battery you could just borrow it (you only need it once)
and if you have a psp with CFW you can make any battery a pandora one (or even hardmod it)
Answer #4
Guess I could send him my battery if hes willing to send it back lol. PM me
Answer #5
you cant jail break a psp BTW
thats ipod -_-
you DOWN GRADE a psp
you JAIL BREAK a Ipod
You use a PANDORA with psp
you use IPWN or similar for Ipod
you UPGRADE CFW for psp
You LOAD CFW for ipod
hope i cleared sumthing up for you ^_^
Answer #6
Guess I could send him my battery if hes willing to send it back lol. PM me
Pming AWAY!
@ Everyone else,
Thank you for your suggestions and especially for the tutorial links, I have seen many of these I just don’t feel like taking the risk of f***ing up my psp to downgrade it. (Yes I didn’t use the word Jailbreak, lol my bad)
If all else fails I’ll have to buy one.
Answer #7
Well, I really wanna jailbreak my psp Original (Fat) and get some custom firmware on this thing. I got 5.0 firmware on my psp atm, wanna revert back to 1.0 or 1.5
I'm incredibly low on cash and don't want to buy a pandora battery and magix memory stick, any other ways I can get em?
Anyone got some they don't need and willing to send em idk I guess I could pay SOME money but don't be expecting much more than the shipping cost. Please help me out, gotta get this done before camp starts...

use the chickhen, dont need to buy anything, and if you revert back to 1.0, if you do most games dont work.
anyways do the chickhen, and install install custom firmware Gen-A.

works on 5.03 psp, so download the 5.03 update (if you go higher like 5.50 you cant hack it)
and that magic memory stick is nothing, its just a memory stick with the files on it, that battery only cost $6.34 shipping included, but the chickren works so hack away.


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