is there any software how can cheat the visitor counter

January 25th, 2020

I found thise site
This site will pay you for you visites i mean if you upload a video in thise site and you video has 20,000 visites you get 100 dollar and if 2 million you get 10,000 dollar
Now i was wondering if there is any software that can help us to get that visitor counter so high that we can
Please if Help Me and other people who want thise Thank you

Answer #1
no one can help me ?
Answer #2
If there was such a way, it would have been exploited by thousands of users and metacafe would be bankrupt
Answer #3
Try using something to mask your IP maybe, such as HideMyIP or so, and keep klicking on your movie with a new IP..This is the only thing I could think of really.
Otherwise tell all friends/people you know/ and visit your movie everywere possible and try if that helps:-)
Answer #4
Try using something to mask your IP maybe, such as HideMyIP or so, and keep klicking on your movie with a new IP..This is the only thing I could think of really.
Otherwise tell all friends/people you know/ and visit your movie everywere possible and try if that helps:-)

Thanks man


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