Gothic? How to Do that?

August 7th, 2016

I Really like gothic style.. And Trying to get into it and trying to get dissolved in this ignorant society. I wanna have a different look.
I have one question:
I managed to get black marks under my eyes by watching TV and my LCD monitor all the day through… I don’t really know if i should keep it so for my Gothic attire. Outside the ignorant girls mock me becoz of my black eyes.. Do i need to keep it?
I wanna in some way get them scared of me…..
And yeah, how can i clean a blood stained needle? I made a piercing myself and left the needle in alcohol… Will this clean that?

Answer #1
I Really like gothic style.. And Trying to get into it and trying to get dissolved in this ignorant society. I wanna have a different look.
I have one question:
I managed to get black marks under my eyes by watching TV and my LCD monitor all the day through... I don't really know if i should keep it so for my Gothic attire. Outside the ignorant girls mock me becoz of my black eyes.. Do i need to keep it?
I wanna in some way get them scared of me.....
And yeah, how can i clean a blood stained needle? I made a piercing myself and left the needle in alcohol... Will this clean that?

To get efficiently black marks under your eyes you could try masturbation.
For what regards the needle put it for 10 secs on a live flame
Answer #2
Lol a guy with eye makeup that’s stupid.
Gothic make-up for guys is stupid not to mention gay. For girls it’s alright. If you want to become an Immortal (it’s a band) look-alike guy then sure go right ahead (your hearing this from a guy who’s been a black metal fan for years)
At least take off the eye make-up. It’s not needed. Hair, clothes and piercings should be enough
Answer #3
cut your wrist is the first step, let yourself bleed is the next and then wear black clothes.
Answer #4
hey thats ok,, thanks for the advice.. And yeah for putting up those marks, I succeeded. But now how the F** do i remove that??
P.S: I put a 1cm Spike-shaped piercing under my lips.. Would that look nice? Still not went out with that.. AM improving my looks for the ultimate appearance of the Halloween Monster which is me..
P.S (2) : Am not Gay though I have long hairs, like EMOs, and use Hard Rock Accessories like skeleton wrist bands and a military knife..
Said: cut your wrist is the first step, let yourself bleed is the next and then wear black clothes.
I really LOLed on that.. Marilyn Manson i presume?
Said: to get efficiently black marks under your eyes you could try masturbation.
For what regards the needle put it for 10 secs on a live flame

Hey i actually do that frequently. Will my eye marks fade if i stop? LOL!
Am stuck with those marks now!! HELP!!!!
Answer #5
Stay away from the computer for a couple of days. Go swimming.
Answer #6

^|^ wrote: Select all

Stay away from the computer for a couple of days. Go swimming.
Its been long that i have those marks… am scared to hell that they are just stuck on myself… HELL!!!!!
And also, i just can’t leave my PC,, am in love with it… Hope u can understand.. BUt i actually don’t have sex with it!
Answer #7
BUt i actually don't have sex with it!
Real goths have
Answer #8
BUt i actually don't have sex with it!
Real goths have

huh? really? Thats why! I always wondered why my friend spent his holidays in the hospital…… He was telling some electrocution crap. Did not understand.. His Girl-Friend even left him
Answer #9
you are coming on a forum to know how to be a gothic ?
you can’t become a gothic , you need to feel it .. it need to be natural , a part of you most of the gothic don’t do it to look “scary” they do for the poetry and release they anger on society by showing what they look like in the inside with they outside I guess you are .. 15-16? .. well just let it go , it will pass
Answer #10
Here is some basic information regarding how to be a gothic. Regarding your specific problem I can’t help you.
Answer #11
Dude, you should watch out with all that needle stuff and such. It might get infected. Go see a doctor…or a shrink.
Just joking mate.
Answer #12
Typical male goth… Image
Answer #13

huh? really? Thats why! I always wondered why my friend spent his holidays in the hospital...... He was telling some electrocution crap. Did not understand.. His Girl-Friend even left him

Its becoming a real trend. thats why most hospitalls are so overpopulated over the last few years
Answer #14
well, u dont just say “oh, to the hell with it, i want to be goth” a puff tyoure goth… that just like emo stuff, u have to feel it (although i think that goth/emo are strange-no, not in the creepy way, in the stupid way-, no offense there mate) and forget bout the makeup, being like that ull NEVAH make someone scared, NEVAH, theyre just going to laugh more at you, and watch out for the needle stuff, but get an infection…
Answer #15
ya.. thanks for the advices.. For the “Anti-society thing” and literature stuffs.. I want to say that I really do like to express myself like that.. Just could not get the attire for people to really understand me or to show off my disagreements of the current society that i am in. For the scary thing.. huh… i don’t really like to get mixed up with guys who is not really like me or does not follow my ideas of atheism and hard rock fan.. Thus try to scare them off….. For those long-time friends who does not share my idea, i happened to change some and the others just got more repellent and most of them just accepted me as i am……. I don’t care……
For the needle stuff, i used a clinically certified one……… Since then.. nothing happened in particular, i’ll wait to till something happens……..
thanks once more.. I think i got it… I”ll just try to be more like myself…