Can’t decide which mouse to keep

August 9th, 2016

I bought a G5 yesterday but its the blue one with the texture. I also got a g15 keyboard. Well I am used to the shape and feel of a MX1000 so i thought the G7 was a closer shape to it. Its the same shape as the G5, or so it seems and a few sources online states that. of course I find this out after I buy it. So now I have both a G5 and G7 and cannot decide which to keep.
The G5 is wired where the G7 is wireless. The MX1000 was wireless as was the keyboard I used to have. i cannot really think of a reason I need wireless though as I do nt move from my PC very far when I am using it.
+Forward and back button
-Textured feel
-Weird color
+Little heavier
+Smooth finish
-Needs a battery (though has two battery packs)
-Only a back button
-No weights
Can you guys offer opinions to which you think I should keep?

Answer #1
The G7. It’s wireless which is just better.
Plus for gaming it has a higher DPI. So it registers tiny tiny tiny movements and is more accurate than the G5. That’s only really good for gaming.
Keep the G7.
I can take the G5 off your hands
Answer #2
I am also thinking of returning both and the G15 and just going back to my old mouse and keyboard. I got the new stuff because the MX1000 I have goes from 3 bars (battery) down to 2 very fast but still has alot of life left in it. That and sometimes in CoD4 I will click to fire but it will seem like there is a small delay before it fires if at all. Though it could be my reflexes. I also do not know how often I will use the binds you can set on the G15 or its LCD. Since most of my games are unsupported or do not give the important information.
Answer #3
The delay you are experiencing will not be to do with your mouse.
It will most likely be to do with your ping on the server you are playing. Any ping over about 75 you can notice a slight delay.
It is ultimately up to you. Will they accept you taking them back and give you a refund?
Answer #4
The only issue would be a 15% restocking fee. But I got them with an employee discount so i really don’t lose that much if comparing it to the original price.
Answer #5
From my personal exspirence there is nothing wors than being in an intence shoot out ingame and having the batterys puke on my wireless mouse just when i need it the most. and unless you are shooting a stationary target at ten miles with no scope where the target is about the size of one pixel well i dont think the ingame dpi diff is gonna be that big of a deal so i would stick with wired mouse just cause the batterys will never die in the middle of the game
Answer #6
I have never had the batteries die in the MX1000 since I put it on the stand every night before I go to bed. And the G7 has two packs which are supposed to last quite long and charge fast.
Answer #7
You sound like you have already made up your mind.
We are giving our opinions and you are giving us reasons why you should either keep or not keep the mouse.
Do what your gut says. We can’t help you decide. It’s you who are going to be using the mouse not us.
Answer #8
Do you know of any other good wired keyboards and a mouse? I prefer under or around $100 if possible. Most stuff now is wireless except expensive gaming stuff like this.
Answer #9
Keep the G5, you’ll get used to the texture and who cares about the color?


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