Help me decide a Laptop to buy !

August 24th, 2013

Ok guys I need help deciding which laptop to buy I have narrowed the search down to two laptops :
Asus K Series K53SV-SX521D Laptop
Price and Config :
Asus K Series K53SV-SX520D Laptop
Price and Config:
Well it does seem that the first laptop wins hands down but there a few customers with some pretty bad reviews about it while everyone seems more than satisfied with the second laptop (scroll to the bottom to read the reviews).
Need your help guys !!

Answer #1
For gaming you are going to get way better results with a desktop.
But if you must buy the lappy then the second one probably will be more suited as the extra grunt from the i7 on the first wont count for anything when it comes to playing games.
If the intention was no games and just general use or to be used on the move while not plugged into the wall then neither of them are good.
Answer #2
Thanks for the reply jock_juffalo. The main intention is to play games. Well the reason why I thought the first was better was because the 2670QM processor seems to be quite good as compared to the 2430M i5 processor. So still which would be better cause I am thinking of doing some video editing and have read reviews that i7 has quite a lot of performance gain as compared to i5.
Answer #3
I would rather have a desktop unless you absolutely need something portable.
Keep an eye out, there will be deals from now until Christmas.
Answer #4
Yeah I know that a desktop would be much better and much cheaper than a laptop but I need a laptop because I will be moving about quite a lot so need something portable.
Answer #5
I have the Intel Core i3-2120. It has the performance for games and editing movies. If you are set on a laptop, I would stick with a good 2 core processor.
Answer #6
I am a happy owner of the second one (just the only difference is the 17.3 inches and 2×500 gb) and I have to say it is a good lappy for games. If you want exact numbers then visit this link


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