[SOLVED]GTA San andreas Toy plane mission

August 6th, 2016

Theres a mission in GTA SA that ive been trying to do since a month now and i cant do it…
its where u meet up with zero and ur suppose to kill 5 delivery guys with a toy airplane that u control…
the 5 guys split up and i can never get them before i run out of fuell… my question is there any cheats or something i dont know i can useto beat this level …thanks

Answer #1
Have you the PC version of this game?
Answer #2
No i cant send u my savegame because its on xbox.
Answer #3
Try going on gamespy for something like this, not much we can help you with
Answer #4
try going to:


They will have a useful walkthrough for you mate.
Answer #5
thank u both


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