What is the difference between…

August 2nd, 2016

Maxon Cinema 4D Studio v11 (Portable)
Maxon Cinema 4D Studio v11
What makes it ‘portable’?

Answer #1
If it is truely portable, it should be much smaller in size, and not only that but it should not leave any traces on the host computer after running, (Ie .reg keys/ temp files).
Leaving no trace on the host makes it truley portable, unfortunalty a lot of people make portables that do leave traces. (which defeats the point in my eyes)
Answer #2
Why do people download it?
I suppose it works a lot slower than the normal version.
The normal version are 39 parts of 100mb
The portable version is 1 part of 100mb
Is there any difference in functions too? I cannot believe it’s the same, but 1/39 of the size.
Answer #3
Normally some functions have been ripped, however the speed will be the same.
For example I have a portable photoshop CS4. the total folder size is 275 MB a lot smaller than the original.
It runs fine and I am yet to figure out what has been ripped out…
In my experience, just download the portable, and if it does what you need than great keep using it.
If not try another version or just download the full version.
I like the portables as I can keep them on a portable drive and take them to whatever machine I am working on and still use my own personal apps without the need to install anything or leave any traces…
Answer #4
yes as said above juss try the portable he covered everything else
normally they do rip stuff out that companys use and users wouldnt really use them selves
Answer #5
But you don’t know what makes the size so different? Interesting matter…
Someone knows why?
Answer #6
The ripped element. full version has nothing taken out…. therefore bigger size
Portables have things removed and I believe settings/con-fig are compressed into a .dat file. so it’s smaller.
Having said that, i tried to make a portable dreamweaver and it ended up 2.5 gig, so it doesn’t always work to make them smaller.
For 1 100 meg file, why not just try it…
If it’s not working for you or has things missing that you want, just get the full version


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