Loud Hard Drive

August 6th, 2016

So my computer makes a lot of noise, I don’t really know why. I recently got SpeedFan because I thought it was the fan, but that’s only part of the loud noises, so that’s helped me a great deal. but there’s still a loud noise there, and it really bugs me and I think it’s the hard drive.
Is there any way I can make that quiet too?

Answer #1
I had the same problem before I bought my new computer. Someone told me that when you have an old hdd, the mechanical pieces of it wont work properly. Best thing to do, get a new HDD.
Answer #2
backup all ur stuff ur hdd is ablout to blow lol if it making loud sounds scratching and winding sounds its gone
if ur hardrive is very large 1 tb + this is normal
but depends it should be very loud
if this is a new problem get a new hdd and back up before it dies
hdd’s die very often
Answer #3
Well, it’s no problem of how long I have had it. It’s made a loud noise the very day I got it. It’s a 300gb HDD, so should it be so loud at that? A friend of mine has a slightly larger one and it doesn’t make as much noise, so I’m confused.
Answer #4
you sure it’s the drive
with the PC running use a tube or hose and narrow down where the noise is coming from
you gheck the video card fan ?
Answer #5
Defragmenting every once in a while might help too.
Answer #6
I’ve not really checked anything. I downloaded SpeedFan, just changed Speed02 to 60% and it made something go quiet. I don’t know how to check anything else, what do you mean?
I defragment quite often, but it doesn’t make any difference.
Answer #7
with the PC running use a tube or hose and narrow down where the noise is coming from
with the case open use it like a stethoscope inside the PC
Answer #8
how loud is the noise and what type? Clicking like or fan noise like?
Answer #9
It’s fairly loud, and it sounds like a fan.
Should I make a video so you can hear the noise?
Answer #10
totally unnessary , open up the case and put your ears to it , find out whats making the noise
Answer #11
Right, I took the side off and I figured out what’s making the noise. I took a picture, as I don’t really know what it is.
http://~ Disallowed image host ~/25oxid1.jpg
You can see it spinning there. And here’s another view.
http://~ Disallowed image host ~/2prbg5w.jpg
Do they help?
Answer #12
yep,that is your video card fan , in some cards its possible to reduce fan speed with rivatuner or speedfan so you should try that,if it wont go well then clean up the dust from it
also consider replacing it, arctic cooling makes great & silent vga coolers
Answer #13
Is there somewhere extra in the settings I can slow it down in SpeedFan? Because I slowed my main one down in that.
Answer #14
mine makes noises sometimes when i first start it up i think its the fan until the pc warms up?
Answer #15
just use rivatuner
system tweaks–>fan control
note: ive heard that if you use one of the 180.xx series driver
rivatuner will not be able to control fan speeds
so if you dont see the option try an older driver
or this evga util
im not sure however if it can work for non-evga cards
but theres a pretty good chance


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