January 27th, 2020

This is about my gizzzzzillion times that I broke ASUS motherboard and it is pissing me off… I’ve used about gizzzzillion Asus motherboard and it took me 1 to 1 and a half year to break… I usually use my computer for online gaming and surfing the website.
When I mean online gaming, I’m talking about Counterstrike, Counterstrike source. etc.
I want to know What/how/why motherboards break…
Is it because too much online gaming? Because of the heat? Viruses? I’m usually on my computer about 4+ hours not constantly but over 4 hours…
Which Motherboard brand is the best and last longer.

Answer #1
I believe they break because of overheating (in most cases). If they are breaking often, then I would suggest you install a separate fan in your computer to keep the whole thing cool.
They will not break because you use them for things such as gaming, or viruses… But I have never herd of ASUS (probably because of where I live, they are not sold here). Do you notice frequent blue screens of death before your motherboard breaks?
Another thing that can cause your motherboard to break, is it being ‘fried’. This can happen from other dodgy equipment, EG: your RAM and Graphics Card. Check the connections of them. They should be a gold colour, if any of them are black then they are fried.
I would suggest a good brand that is well known, such as Gigabyte, genuine intel or AMD. They make decent products that will last.
If you are going to continue gaming, look for a motherboard that is made for gaming, as you know it will be able to handle the load.
Answer #2
Other way of saying that Intel are not good for gaming, I’m a gamers. I find Intel alway over heat while playing, get the latest version of AMD Althon. I’m on AMD Althon 4600+ 2 CPU’s and it will have 4 cooling fans included. Buy abit Fatal1ty motherboard or other ASUS or Gigabyte with AMD cpu. Intel are way too bad, AMD gives you good FPS when playing CSS, BF2, COD series etc. Make sure you have good video card at least 256 mb graphic. I’m on 768 mb graphic which is nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX. Hope this helps!
My old computer was on Intel Pentium 4 and explode after 1 years, same ~love~ I was playing CSS all day, Intel are way stupid but good for business. AMD all the way for gamers like me, I have AMD for now 3 years, all are fine and sometime I gotta upgrade new videocard, AMD etc later on!
Answer #3

simp1thy wrote: Select all

Other way of saying that Intel are not good for gaming, I’m a gamers. I find Intel alway over heat while playing, get the latest version of AMD Althon. I’m on AMD Althon 4600+ 2 CPU’s and it will have 4 cooling fans included. Buy abit Fatal1ty motherboard or other ASUS or Gigabyte with AMD cpu. Intel are way too bad, AMD gives you good FPS when playing CSS, BF2, COD series etc. Make sure you have good video card at least 256 mb graphic. I’m on 768 mb graphic which is nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX. Hope this helps!
My old computer was on Intel Pentium 4 and explode after 1 years, same ~love~ I was playing CSS all day, Intel are way stupid but good for business. AMD all the way for gamers like me, I have AMD for now 3 years, all are fine and sometime I gotta upgrade new videocard, AMD etc later on!
The poster never mentioned which CPU he uses, so your point is, well, pointless. He’s talking about motherbords. In fact, my first PC to die was using an AMD chip.
Boards can die for various reasons. Manufacturers source their parts from all over the place. All it takes is one capacitor or chip to die and the board is stuffed.
Some manufacturers are now using solid-state capacitors for increased reliability and longevity. But sometimes you simply get what you pay for. Proper cooling also helps, a surge protector is also another safeguard.
Answer #4
Clean your motherbaord, CPU and all internal Hardware in your tower (Wouldnt touch HDD tbh) with a can of compressed air, get the dust off see if the same happens, do this every 6 months.
Answer #5
Mmmmm. I was going to make a point about my CPU as well. I think I broke CPU as well as the Motherboard…
Yes, I had few blue death screen before my PC broke (Motherboard/CPU). I’m think about 3 – 5 times. Before I upgraded my PC I had crappy graphics card…
I think I’ve bought my PC for just small business use not for ”Games/Other”
Anyway, what is that blue screen? Why does it appear?
When these things happened at the very start of these problems, my PC just turned off automatically or I think it restarted it by itself.
Is this motherboard good enough for latest games or good for games/other?ASUS P5GC-MX Intel Chip set Motherboard.
Now my PC is sort of made for gaming, I think I should use my new upgraded PC longer than old days. I hope so…
Answer #6

Worry wrote: Select all

Clean your motherbaord, CPU and all internal Hardware in your tower (Wouldnt touch HDD tbh) with a can of compressed air, get the dust off see if the same happens, do this every 6 months.
I’ve asked this to a PC professionals and they told me after doing this sometimes the PC won’t turn on or stuff it up… They didn’t tell me it will stuff it up every time but they just suggested that I shouldn’t touch inside.
The PC professional just told me not to clean inside. If I really needed to then I could just only use a brush and clean off dust around the fans only. No touching the chips.
Answer #7
what do you mean by “break”
it just stops working ?
how do you know it’s the mobo or the CPU or both
you have them tested ?
what does the PC do ? nothing ?
I use ASUS & intel CPU’s all the time now, would not buy anything else
ASUS P5GC-MXwith what CPU ? you already have one or you buying that too ?
blue screens are usually caused by a hardware conflict or problem
there’s a stop code & maybe a file name under that about � down the screen
that file name is the best way to diagnosis what’s wrong
Answer #8
Well seeing blue screens before your motherboard ‘breaks’ is a good way of telling that it is overheating because, what your computer does is basicly shut off your whole computer to stop it from overheating and cooking itself to death. But it could also be saying that your hardware is failing.
I still stick to my word as I said before, go out and buy a new motherboard. One of a good TRUSTED name such as Gigabyte.
Some people that have replyed in this thread have no idea what they are talking about. The information suggested is very useful. I wouldnt consider cleaning your motherboard though. Any static electricity caused by cloths can make more problems than you already have.
NOTE: Never clean your CPU. If you generate static electricity it will break the whole CPU. I repeat, NEVER clean your CPU. Get it professionally done.
Don’t be afraid to ask. When you go to a computer shop, ASK! Ask them that you want a new motherboard for GAMING. Ask for a motherboard with solid-state capacitors and surge protectors. As a general rule, the more money you spend, the better quality you will get.
Also, when choosing a place to buy your computer parts from, I have always found that going to a place that only specializes in computers to be the best. They seem to know better.