Compression & Convertion Questions!

January 28th, 2020

Hello folks!
Its me once again with my stupid questions looking for some attention.
Its goes like this.
I got 2 files in my folder.
One of them is a Shockwave format (SWF) weights 15MB
The second one is a HTML file, which directs to open the SWF.

Now here is the questions:
1. If I want to turn the SWF into a AVI and/or WMV – how can I make it?
(The contant of the file is just a video)
2. If I want to extremely compress the both files into a much more smaller file.
How should I do it? WinRAR compress 15MB into 14MB, and I need it to be like 5-6MB.
Sorry for my terrible English.
I hope its not that bad….

Answer #1
use winavi for converting it,as for compression,you cant
compress files that are already in a compressed state
you can however create a split archive with a specific size for each part
or use hjsplit (file splitting program) , btw there is a program called swiff player
for playing SWFs just google it
EDIT btw your english isnt bad at all


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