Rapidshare Referrer Points

February 3rd, 2020

I just checked my collectors account (which is filled with ) and i got 11 Referrer Points (22 euro), The FAQ says that: Users who accumulated their Referrer Points by distributing files they were not allowed to (see our Terms of Service) won't get paid off.
and the Terms say: (not allowed) works the download of which violates third party copyrights;
If i redeem the money, will i get payed?

Answer #1
Nobody will know until somebody tries.
Answer #2
The Rapidpoint rewards also use the same terms of use, do you get your reward if your account is filled with ?
Answer #3
Since you can use rapidpoints earned with to create new premium accounts, there shouldn’t be a problem. Check the official rapidshare discussion thread, there should be some people there who alreade requested and/or got their money from the referal points.


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