
August 6th, 2016

I was just wondering,will I get any better performance with 2 Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 4870 GDDR5 256bit in crossfire on J&W 790GX Extreme motherboard.
I have one HD4870, and 3 x graphics slot on J&W, so I want to put another HD4870.
But there is one problem, actually two:
1. I don’t know will crossfire work good
2. Do I need to change processor( AMD Athlon X2 7750+ Black Edition)?
If so, I was thinking to buy AMD Phenom II X3 720
I have 4GB DDR2 Corsair XMS, PSU is LC Power 6600 and NZXT Lexa Blueline case.

Answer #1
Well the performance is a mix since the Crossfire drivers must have that game profile and I reckon the performance will be roughly the same maybe a 20% in performance if your lucky. You can support that CPU once you update the bios. The C2 revision has it, but the newest one is recommended.
Answer #2
id go for the new cpu but i dont really know about the crossfire thing
Answer #3
Go for the phenom II. If you buy the 4870 your cpu will bottleneck your system.
Answer #4
definitely go for the phenom II 720BE… it’s a triple core processor, but if you’re lucky like me and millions of others… you can unlock the 4th core, hopefully get it stable after some voltage testing, and it goes from $109 triple core, to a beast quad core.
it’s WELL worth the money.
on air cooling with a ‘decent’ cooler – freezer 7 pro, and stock fans.. i’ve gotten to 4 cores 3.2GHZ STABLE with around 40C idle and 65C load temps.
Answer #5
In all my experience with SLI and Crossfire, it really doesn’t work well. Technically you should get double the speed, but you don’t, not even close. And you tend to find tearing in your image.
I don’t think your question was really asking it, but if you want to choose betweeen the processor and an extra graphics card, I’d choose the processor. Much more speed for the money you’re gonna spend.
Answer #6
Thank you all, I really needed help for this one. And I was thinking that is better to upgrade the processor, rather then graphics. But my motherboard doesn’t support AM3 socket, well it might, I only need to update BIOS, but I heard that is a little tricky to do that, and I never done that before, so if any of you know the easiest way to do that, please explain me in the simplest way possible, if it’s not to much trouble.
Answer #7
It varies between BIOS. It usually requires a floppy disc, but I’m sure they’ve modernized it to work with USB sticks. You need to find the vendor of your BIOS (may say it during bootup, during BIOS setup or somewhere on your motherboard) and find the latest firmware.


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