Urgent help, lost all my bookmarks

August 12th, 2013

HI guys
im using google chrome, i laptop had a crash, once i turned it on.
all my bookmarks on google chrome had gone
i have checked the default folder, and trying to edit the bookmarks file and everything but there is no point because there is nothing inside the file when i open it with notepad. i did the same for bookmarks.bak.
i have tried a system restore but that was no use so returned to the original i was in. And didn’t sync my bookmarks either on Google accounts.
so what should i do?

Answer #1
wow, your bookmarks.html was blanked out? I didn’t know that was possible but I’m not saying it isn’t.
You mind telling which folder you looked in…. just for clerification purposes.
I would try a data recovery utility. Maybe you can recover the original but that depends on whether or not it’s been overwritten. No guarentee but it is worth a shot. Maybe someone else has a different idea. I know losing bookmarks sucks.
Answer #2
If you have chrome logged in to synch data just login again from chrome options


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