Irregular slow download speed
December 28th, 2018
Funny thing is that also last night the download speed became fast and now it is slow again. I also tried it on my brothers laptop and it worked fine. I dunt want to format my computer cause i have alot of stuff installed and it is a really painful process for me. So does anyone have any suggestions that could help? i would really be grateful.
Probably you are being capped by your isp.Call them and ask
i called them. plus when i download 3 files they reach the max speed. it is when i download one file the speed is crappy
can anyone plz help me? i tried to download using my brother’s laptop and it worked fine. i also used another router and i have same prb
ddo you have dsl, or cable?
i have adsl
hmmmm then you should not be having that issue unless they have caped your connection, run a test on
and tell us how it comes back.
May be the server u r downloading is out of enough bandwidth so its limiting ur connection or clear cookies or ur isp playing with u
i am using rapidshare and usually it isnt that slow. plus like i said wz my brothers’s pc it runs fast
use a speed test tool
Do you experience this for RS only? Also, do you have a premium account on RS? RS gives low speeds for free users to force them to get a premium.
It is wz all servers
As I mentioned, file hosting websites give you the least of speeds to force you to buy the premium service. Anyway, I need you to download a file from Yahoo (any file). What is the speed you get? If you still get a low speed then switch to another ISP = Internet Service Provider. By the way, do you share your connection?
no i dunt share my connection. Wz yahoo i get around 20 kb/s which is really slow. Plus my isp is da best here in egypt and i have been wz it for 4 years now and never had a prb before. da prb is something 2 do wz da pc. do u know any software that could help fix it
Well, do you have any Anti-Virus software running on your computer? If that is not the case, use Kaspersky Anti-Virus and perform a full system scan on the computer. You might be infected with some malware.
yes i have KIS. i ll give it a try
kaspersky found 5 trojans and got rid of them. but the prb still exists